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15 Messages

Wednesday, November 13th, 2019 1:30 AM

ZTE MF288 conflicting specs

I've been looking at replacing my aging Huawei B890-66 with a Nighthawk MR1100-2A1NAS or ZTE MF288. I found the Nighthawk for $149 and the ZTE from $59 to $79. The only issue is that I can't find concrete specifications on the device. Some Ebay listings claim it has 150 Mbps Cat4 LTE modem while others say it has 600 Mbps LTE-A. According to the specifications it has the MDM9250-1 which is supposed to be X12 or X16. Does anyone have a MF288? Were there different versions with only a cat4 modem?



15 Messages

5 years ago

I now have the MF288 in my possession. It does have LTE Advanced and shows LTE+ during heavy downloads. 

New Member


5 Messages

3 years ago

How you like the MF288? 

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