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Smizen's profile

2 Messages

Saturday, June 22nd, 2024 1:19 AM

New cellphone

If I am buying a new cellphone number in a state I where I do not live can I buy a number for the state where I have residence? Example I'm in Florida but I live in Indiana. Can I buy an Indiana phone number in Florida? 

ACE - Expert


24.9K Messages

6 days ago

Not sure what you want to do. You don't "buy" a phone number. If you already have an AT&T account, just transfer your account to the new phone with your old Indiana phone number. If you don't have an AT&T account, then port your Indiana phone number to the new phone account.

2 Messages

6 days ago

Actually I will be buying a new line. As I will be moving back to Indiana with my boyfriend who is not from the US, but we are stopping in Florida for a while and he wants to have a functioning phone plan set up as soon as possible.

ACE - Expert


24.9K Messages

6 days ago

Then purchase an unlocked phone from your mfr of choice. Don't purchase it from a carrier or you will be locked to that carrier. Just activate it when you get to Indiana. If you need a phone right away, purchase a prepaid phone for the time being.

ACE - Sage


118.4K Messages

6 days ago

Wow are you overthinking this.

There's no reason you can't get a phone number anywhere in the USA, and use it anywhere in the USA. I have people who used to live in my neighborhood in Connecticut that moved from other states.  They did not have Connecticut cell phone numbers.

And they have now moved to other states their phone numbers are not related to any of the places that they currently live either.

To answer your question directly, if you purchase cell phone service in Florida, you will most likely get a Florida phone number.   You cannot request an Indiana area code in Florida 

You can use whatever number you get in Indiana. Nobody in Indiana is going to care that your cell phone number is not an Indiana area code.  

As I said I currently live in Connecticut. In the past 5 years there's been a lot of movement, I have people contact me all the time with numbers from all different states.  

   No one cares about a non-local phone number. The only time a non-local number might matter is if it's a business.  

ACE - Master


11K Messages

6 days ago

What relevance does mentioning that your boyfriend isn’t from the U.S. have to do with the question?

Community Support


232.9K Messages

6 days ago

Hello @Smizen, we hear you and would like to help you.


Certainly! If you’re looking to purchase an Indiana phone number while physically located in Florida, there are a few options:

  1. Virtual Numbers: Consider using services like Google Voice, which allow you to choose a virtual number from any state. With Google Voice, you can forward calls and texts to another phone, keeping your old number while having a new one for your current location.

  2. Contact Local Carriers: Reach out to local storefronts of your desired cellular carrier in Indiana. Explain that you’re not currently in the state but plan to move there, and inquire if they can set up an Indiana phone number for you and mail the phone.

Keep in mind that maintaining a phone number from another state while moving has implications, such as potential issues with 911 calls due to GPS searching for the area code region. Choose the option that best suits your need.


I hope this information helps.

Looking forward to hearing from you!

Thank you,

Jessica, AT&T Community Specialist.

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