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1 Message

Monday, December 11th, 2017 7:45 PM



I placed an order on 12/07 for new iPhone 8 as an upgrade on an existing ATT line

Unfortunately, ATT have recently partnered with a company called ENJOY for deliveries

I carefully chose the delivery option for same day delivery (specifically without needing any consultation from ENJOY) to my family home (which is the ATT account address) in Chicago

I’m currently working in Houston, so my daughter (an ATT account registered user on my account) kindly took the afternoon off work to receive the new phone

I then received a confirmation email from ENJOY stating that the phone was ready for delivery but that a 10-minute consultation is required plus ID plus Credit Card details before the phone can be handed over

I emailed ENJOY back to confirm that no consultation was wanted – explaining that my daughter was alone in my home – I did not want strangers in my home alone with my daughter – just a simple drop off delivery

ENJOY then emailed that they could not do that – they have to consult with the recipient plus she would need a credit card with her to pay the taxes – ENJOY told me if I did not want to do that then I should cancel the phone

I called ATT direct – I told them the story – both ATT ladies I spoke with, agreed they would not want a complete stranger in their home alone with their daughter either, but that they could not do anything to help me as the phone was already with ENJOY – I would need to cancel directly with them – ATT gave me the ENJOY phone number

I spoke to ENJOY who told me that the whole system with ATT was a mess – they were being forced by ATT to deliver the consultations and the ENJOY representative told me that he was having to deal with this same issue of frustrated ATT customers almost every day since the partnership had started.

The ENJOY representative told me that the CEO of ENJOY is called Ron Johnson and that he is a close personal friend of the CEO of ATT and that they had recently put this scheme together between the two of them while together on vacation (which does not sound good if this is true) – the ENJOY representative agreed that he would not let a stranger into his home alone with his daughter either and that he personally felt the whole thing was “pretty creepy” and misleading

I phoned back to ATT to tell them I had cancelled the phone delivery with ENJOY – ATT told me it would take them 2 days to get the phone back from ENJOY and only then could I re-order from an ATT store and just collect it myself

On 12/11 I drove to an ATT store in Houston to pick up the new iPhone 8 – the store checked my account which shows that the cancelled upgrade is still ‘Ready for processing' on their system - so they can’t help me at all and they told me to call 611 on ATT - I’ve just been cut of twice while waiting for someone to look at the order number and see what is happening (another hour of my life that I’ll never get back) – finally when I got through to a human, after another 30 minutes of purgatory, ATT @ 611 told me the only place I can cancel the order is at the ATT store - I was there this morning with the same message and the chap told me ATT @ 611 don't know what they are talking about and that it needs to be cancelled centrally through the 611 line. Each side of ATT is telling me that the other part of the business does not know what they are talking about and all I’m trying to do is simply upgrade a phone on an existing line.

Since I ordered the upgrade it feels like half my life is now filled with waiting on hold listening to the ATT jingle, talking to people at ATT or ENJOY that can’t help me, or visiting ATT stores that can’t do anything – I just don’t know what to do now – can anybody at ATT please help me out of this twilight zone I’ve stumbled into?

The order number is [edited for privacy – please do not post personal information]

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