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Trade In and Get Rewarded!
Grim's profile

10 Messages

Thursday, June 27th, 2024 5:19 PM

Was sent the wrong phone and now am forced to pay $900 for a phone I never wanted.

So I was out of state, and AT&T was having a promotional deal for an iPhone 15 plus for $6 a month. I got the deal and because I was out of state, and didn’t want anything to happen to it. I had it sent to my house and had someone pick it up. When I got home I realized they had charged me the full $24 a month and saw that they had sent me the wrong phone. Now AT&T not only refuses to honor the promotional deal, they also refuse to take the phone back because apparently I was 2 days over the return period. I am now forced to pay $24 a month, every month, for 3 years, for a phone I never wanted nor intended to get. The deal was for an iPhone 15 Plus for $6 a month for 3 years which is around $220. So now I’m forced to pay $900, 4x the amount I was going to pay. For a completely different phone that I never wanted to buy. On top of that, I never activated the phone or even opened the (Edited per community guidelines) box.

ACE - Expert


36K Messages

5 days ago

a) a $6/month deal would have been a trade in deal.  Did you ship a trade in within 30 days of purchase?

b) AT&T didn't control your travel plans.  If your travel conflicted with the 14 day return period, then perhaps you shouldn't have purchased the phone at that time.  Their 14 day policy is published, was available when you purchased the phone, etc.

c) If I buy a car, then park it in my garage, the bank will still want their payments.  Your phone is no different.

ACE - Master


11K Messages

5 days ago

Almost all of AT&T’s “cheap” phone deals involve monthly offsetting credits on your bill over the 36 months of the installments.  Check your offer to see if this isn’t the case (it’s usually in an asterisked footnote).  It should also say that it takes 2-3 bill cycles for the credits to appear.  In your case, your monthly bill would have shown $24 for the phone, with a $18 bill credit, once the credits started.  It seems like you didn’t wait long enough for the credits to start.

Regarding the return period, it’s 14 days, not 16 days.  That’s a risk you take when you order something while you’re somewhere else and can’t check on it for a while.  You may as well open and activate the phone.  It’s unlikely that they’ll take it back.  You’re paying for it anyway.

ACE - Scholar


1K Messages

5 days ago

This was probably for the no trade in required promo att has occasionally. The op didn’t say what phone he received. Nor whether is on a qualified plan. Any credits would be 2 or 3 billing cycles later. 

10 Messages

5 days ago

A) The deal wasn’t for a trade in or I would’ve gotten the phone at the time and used it while I was out of state. A buddy of mine did the same deal for him, his wife, and their kid. Nobody had to trade a phone in.

B) At the store they didn’t mention anything about a return window and even if they had. How would I have assumed that they would (Edited per community guidelines) up so bad that, not only would they send me the wrong phone, but they would also not apply the promotional deal that I literally went there for the sole reason of? It’s not like there was miscommunication. I talked to them about it for an hour and a half. That’s not only thing they (Edited per community guidelines)ed up. It was just the biggest. They also asked me if I wanted the protection plan. I said no. They put in on my bill. I was asked about AT&T next up. I said no. They put it on my bill.

C) If I buy a car, I’m driving it off the lot before it goes in the garage, am I not? So obviously at that point it’s a done deal. 


ACE - Scholar


1K Messages

5 days ago

@Grim What phone did you get?

10 Messages

5 days ago

@kevink They sent the IPhone 15 instead of the 15 Plus. but I'm legally blind in one eye so I never would've gotten the smaller phone. At this point I'd rather keep using my XS Max so I can actually see it.

10 Messages

5 days ago

@kevink Also I already talked to them and they're not crediting me for anything because the deal was for the 15 Plus and they sent the 15. And because the promotional deal is no longer available anyway so they just wouldn't be able to do it regardless apparently.

10 Messages

5 days ago

So get this. I called the actual store that messed up. And they're allowing me to send the phone back to them directly so they can send me the correct phone. And somehow, magically, they can give me the promotion still even though the actual AT&T company couldn't do ANYTHING.

ACE - Expert


36K Messages

5 days ago

Yeah, that's quite a bit sus.  I'd carry the phone to that store, make sure you walk out with the phone you intend to, and get documentation of everything they're going to do for you. 

Because at this point I'm afraid the phone you send them is going to get "lost in the mail" (wink, wink, nudge, nudge) and they're not going to be able to do anything for you once that happens.

What store would that be?  It wouldn't happen to actually be an Authorized Retailer would it?

ACE - Scholar


1K Messages

5 days ago

@Grim I agree with @JefferMC that you need to get and save all the paperwork along with receipt for return. 

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