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15 Messages

Wednesday, August 29th, 2018 6:00 PM

When will Note 9 finally be shipped?

Why is AT&T one of the last carriers to ship the Note 9? I pre-ordered the 512gb. BIG MISTAKE! The phone came out 5 days ago and I have a ship date of 2 weeks from today. THIS IS UNACCETABLE AT&T. For pre-ordering I get to get the phone 3 weeks after it comes out?! I thought pre-ordering meant I would be one of the 1st people to have the note 9, not one of the last.


I also ordered one of the 128gb versions. It was finally recieved yesterday, 4 days after release.


 I ordered and paid for taxes already, but I have no phone. People who have bought their note 9's after me, already have their phones.

I was originally told I would recieve it Sept. 4- 8th, now I am being told September 10-13th! (Spent an entire day on several phone calls and having to drive to the store twice to pre-order after their system had a "glitch") How does this effect my pre-order headphone offer which ends on the 13th and I must have my phone to claim? Why am I being put last for being an AT&T customer? Other carriers have sent out their 512gb phones. People who walked in at AT&T store on August the 24th have their phones. It is odd AT&T had phones to give out at the store, but not to those who had already paid for them.


I just don't understand how I can not get my phone, that I already bought, yet they are selling them in the store right now. Their only solution is to cancel my order, wait for a refund, drive to the store and rebuy, all while loosing the AKG Headphones!


That is not how you take care of a customer who trusted you and pre-ordered. Where is my 512gb Note 9, and my compensation for AT&T's debacle? My time is worth money too!



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15 Messages

6 years ago

UPDATE to the community: MY PHONE ARRIVED! August the 31st infact! The Note 9 is living up to the hype so far. I really like the S-Pen with bluetooth working with the camera. I am really happy with it. I was able to order my AKG headphones and was given a ship date already. I appreciate AT&T for getting on my order, and getting it to me and righting a wrong. I feel they took care of the issue.

ACE - Expert


23.9K Messages

6 years ago



exactly how many posts do you need on the same subject.


The note 9 512gb is sold out everywhere.  Verizon is projecting the same time frame.


Best buy has none period



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15 Messages

6 years ago

 I did not give money and PRE-ORDER from Best Buy or Verizon so they are not my concern.


AT&T told me I could go into their store TODAY and get one. I was told if I cancelled, waited for refund, drove to their store, and lost AKG headphones, I could have one in 2 hours! SO they DO HAVE THEM!


ACE - Expert


23.9K Messages

6 years ago

@heyiamnowhere wrote:

 I did not give money and PRE-ORDER from Best Buy or Verizon so they are not my concern.


AT&T told me I could go into their store TODAY and get one. I was told if I cancelled, waited for refund, drove to their store, and lost AKG headphones, I could have one in 2 hours! SO they DO HAVE THEM!




you can go into a store and get one in the 128gb size...  I suggest you go and look online at ATT.com and you will see there are none available...  I searched Nashville's zipcode and you will see there are NONE is what I am getting at...  





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ACE - Sage


118.4K Messages

6 years ago

How early did you preorder? 

I saw posts on the 23rd where folks got their phone.  

If you preorder late, you get late delivery and they can’t ship what they don’t have in stock. 

Sales have been off so ATT may have been a bit conservative in ordering ahead.  

I remember when Apple sold a 256 gig iPhone for the first time and people waited till January to get their phones.  Apple just didn’t have enough to fill the order.




15 Messages

6 years ago

Oddly enough one of my posts deleted. Seems I need to start posting on other forums that AT&T or their affiliates don't control.


I originally pre-ordered on the 17th.


I also remember Apple was in the news because of that folly. Did AT&T learn nothing? Is that to be the norm?


If they are in short supply why did they sell them on release day? Why do some stores still have them?

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