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dlbec1976's profile

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1 Message

Thursday, June 15th, 2023 5:37 PM

Apple Watch SE for My son has never worked since I got it almost 1 year ago and I keep getting the run around

Last year I decided in April to get both of my young kids and Apple watch SE since ATT and apple had the ability to now set up family members on a wearable without being connected to a phone.  I did a lot of research since I knew someone else who did the same and for their kids.  I contacted ATT via chat and phone and placed an order for two watches.  To my surprise I only received one of them and the merry-go-round started.  I then called back and was transferred to several ordering sites and departments with no real support.  I had an order number and everything but no device. I then contacted the office of the president who passed it off to a rep who then said she would have it sent out and assumed all was good.  after weeks still no watch, I emailed the OOP once again and finally received a call from a manager who discovered several issues and worked to resolve them.  I was able to finally receive the watch.  Attempted to set the watches up for my children under their family plan app and my daughters watch which was a not the one with the issues worked just fine.  My son's watch however has never worked, and I have tried calling tech support, Chat support and called the office of the president back several times.  The frustration over this has gotten so bad that I have just given up for a long while.  My son has begged to have his watching working and I tried to Chat with an online specialist, who mocked me saying over and over again could you repeat that.  How do I repeat typed facts?  I then tried to go into the AT&T store for assistance where without looking at the account or the device was told to go to apple store.  I explained that apple said there is nothing wrong with it she then consulted a manager with a quick attitude told me that i could not have it set up the way it was and it would never work without the phone they are paired to on the same plan.  My reply was simply then how does my daughters device work perfectly fine set up the same way.  she proceeded to get rude and tell me that I clearly knew more than her and the associate who had been there for over 10 years and I should go and fix it on my own.  I now know why there was no one in the store and why all the employees who worked for ATT have quit.  this is how they treat long term high contract customers.  So without a second thought I will gladly take my business to Verizon where they actually want the items you pay for to work. 

ACE - Sage


118.4K Messages

1 year ago

Did you set up your daughter's watch with apples family share and set up?   Or Att numbersync? (Which is wrong)

Apple warranties it's devices.  If they couldn't help you set it up with their product (family set up) then it's faulty and they should replace it.  

I would have suggested a genius bar appointment as soon as you had a problem.



Former Employee


32.9K Messages

1 year ago

You take the phone and the watch into an Apple Store 

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