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KimPMillican's profile



2 Messages

Friday, December 29th, 2023 8:59 PM

Suspended Line for Apple Watch

Hi - I suspended the line for my Apple Watch because I'm no longer using the watch on a daily basis. I want to confirm that I will no longer be charged the additional $10/month for the Apple Watch line. Can you help?

Accepted Solution

Official Solution

Former Employee


22.5K Messages

6 months ago

A suspended line is not a cancelled line…

Are you making monthly payments on the watch? 
The watch would need to be paid off to cancel the line.

Do you still have to pay if you suspend a line on AT&T?
Suspension only stop's service, it does not stop being billed. So to answer your question, it does no good to suspend other than it will prevent roaming charges. The only way to not be billed is to cancel.


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