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1 Message

Saturday, October 6th, 2018 4:39 AM

absolutely disgusting customer service

I have reached out to the 800-331-0500 phone number that is required to cancel cellular service for an apple watch. I spoke to a gentleman Nick who appeared helpful by informing me that I only activated the the service less than a week ago so I would entitled to cancel without penalty. He referred me to a gentleman who did not identify himself besides in the quick pass off which I believe he said his name was Jamari. He stated he had no idea what Nick was talking about and that I had to pay to cancel as I was on a plan. I informed him that I bought the watch outright and only added cellular. He continued to state that in the terms in front of him that I had to pay no matter what. I have screenshots that I took during activation stating otherwise but whatever, I just wanted to get this over with. When I told him okay whatever Ill pay, he informed me that its not his job and he has to refer me somewhere else. He gave me the call back number 800-288-2020 should the transfer get disconnected. I then spoke to Desiree who also had no clue what I was talking about. She asked me what my primary phone number was. I gave her the number. She asked what I want cancelled, I said the Apple Watch ending in the last four digits assigned to the watch. She informed me the cancellation was complete and told me I would receive a text. I told her I did not receive anything which she then "reassured" me that it was fine and it was cancelled. Hours later I get an email stating that the phone number assigned to my watch is apparently my actual phone number and the line being cancelled is my primary phone number. I immediately attempted to call for support but all support was closed by the time I received the email. I then begin an online chat which started with an agent named Richmond. He did the exact same thing stating that he is "reassuring" me. As if read right of the same script. He informed he stopped the cancellation of the primary number and instead cancelled the watch. I received an email that watch was suspended, not deactivated nor cancelled. I asked for clarification which he continued to state that he is only "reassuring" me. I stated I will be much more reassured once it all gets taken care of. . correctly. I want the watch line cancelled and everything else to remain the same. I then was transferred to his senior manager, Radney. Radney was crude, short, and absolutely no help. He stated numerous times that its not his department giving the impression that its not his problem to move along. I asked him to clarify that in fact what Richmond supposedly did did not resolve my issue. He continued to cover his own a** and not own up to the fact that they both wasted my time by not knowing how to do their jobs. Radney was in the process of transferring me to the Loyalty program and when I asked him to hold for a moment I got into contact with another agent, Lonie F., who instantly understood what I was asking without a problem. I asked Radney to hold as I spoke to another agent (to ensure that my problem would be resolved) he instantly ended the chat.
Overall, I am extremely displeased with the service received and embarrassed to be apart of AT&T's client base for so long. Your biggest asset in any company is the people. Clearly AT&T has slim to no assets they can rely on as I have encountered an overwhelming amount of agents that have absolutely no willingness to help, care, listen, or do their job properly. I will certainly be reconsidering continuing my business with this joke of a company.



6 Messages

6 years ago

i have no helpful response but i feel your pain .. ive been fighting since the end of august not only to just  receive  my order .. but now im way past caring about the phone .. i cant even get a straight answer about a refund .. horrible "customer service" 



561 Messages

6 years ago


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