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4 Messages

Thursday, February 16th, 2017 9:59 PM

AT&T Customer Service Rep attempting to steal from customer

Ok, this is going to be a long story, but I am at my wits end trying to find someone at AT&T who cares about this.


On 1/11/2017 I called into AT&T  to have my data plan upgraded to 60GB from 30. I received the quote and told the rep I would call back the following day after talking to my wife. So on 1/12/2017 I called back in and spoke with a rep named Ty. Ty informed me that in addition to the data plan, I was eligible for a "buy one get one free" Iphone7. I told her that we were interested in the offer and to get it started right away. After a few minutes, Ty told me her computer had crashed and that she needed to have her manager call me back from a phone number that would start with a "706" area code. She hung up, and I waited.


I got a call from a number, [edited for privacy – please do not post personal information], a woman on the other line said her name was Susane and that she was Ty's manager. She needed my information including, full name, address, DOB, phone number and credit card information, before she could process the charge for shipping. I was told that she would be charging my card $50. Immediately after she told me this, my credit card company sent me an alert of suspected fraud. ATT Estore(that was the name on the charge) had attempted to run my card twice for $831.00 and once for $1 to see if the card was active. I told Susane I needed to speak with her manager, and she promptly hung up.


Not 30 seconds after Susane dropped the call, I received a call back from Ty with AT&T. She wanted to know if I still wanted the IPhone and if I was ready to upgrade my plan. I told her what happened, and that I needed to speak with her manager Susane. She told me she didn't know anyone named Susane and then hung up on me.


I called back into AT&T customer service, advised them of the situation, and spoke with a manager named Edgar with AT&T's retention department. He told me they would look into this and get back with me the following day. Unfortunately this is when I came to the realization that AT&T does not believe in following up with their customers. I received a call back the following day, but not from AT&T, I got a call back from the "706". A woman claiming her name was Brittany said she had just bought this phone and that she was told to call my number to activate her phone. Yes, you heard that right, she was calling me to activate a phone that she was using to call me.


So, to summarize, an AT&T rep gave my information out to someone who did not work for the company, in an attempt to steal $831 from me. One would think that AT&T would be in a hurry to resolve this, and at least apologize to me and my wife, but this is not the case.


This happened on 1/12/2017, today is 2/16/2017, it has been over a month and I have yet to receive a call back from anyone. Here is a list of the AT&T reps who I have spoken with that did not decline to give their employee numbers


Ty #

Louis #

Janika #

Justin #

Tina #


Tina, a manager in the retention dept, was the last person who I have spoken with. She told me she was working with her manager to get me in contact with Ty's manager. My only request was that she follow up with me on a weekly basis, but this simple request seems too hard a task for anyone at this company. I'm writing this on this forum because I don't know what else to do. I'm hoping that someone at AT&T can appreciate the weight of this situation, and act accordingly.

ACE - Sage


118.4K Messages

7 years ago

Certainly dispute any charge to your credit card!  

This is very strange.   Especially as there is not BOGO offer at this time.  

Please also contact support by clicking here > @ATTMobilityCare.  And fill them in too




4 Messages

7 years ago

The charges were declined due to suspected fraud by my credit card company. The only good news in all of this mess.



4 Messages

7 years ago

AT&T was very quick to remove the employee numbers that I posted, as well as the phone number of the person committing fraud. Imagine if they took that initiative and applied it to customer service.



4 Messages

7 years ago

It is now 4/3/2017, and I am no closer to a resolution from AT&T. I still can't seem to find someone that is willing to take my issue seriously, and I seriously doubt that I ever will. I keep hoping that someone from AT&T will read this post and think "maybe I should help this customer"... needless to say I am not holding my breath.

ACE - Expert


14.4K Messages

7 years ago

@BRoss3250 wrote:

It is now 4/3/2017, and I am no closer to a resolution from AT&T. I still can't seem to find someone that is willing to take my issue seriously, and I seriously doubt that I ever will. I keep hoping that someone from AT&T will read this post and think "maybe I should help this customer"... needless to say I am not holding my breath.

What kind of resolution are you expecting? As awful as the situation is, it sounds like no order was actually placed and the bank prevented any money from being paid. That's really the only two things that would need "resolving" in this case, that I can think of. 

ACE - Sage


118.4K Messages

7 years ago


I too am puzzled about what you expected?   Those involved would have been fired in January.  


ACE - Expert


14.4K Messages

7 years ago

@lizdance40 wrote:


I too am puzzled about what you expected?   Those involved would have been fired in January.  


Exactly, and I'm pretty sure that AT&T (or any company) wouldn't discuss internal HR issues with a customer. 

ACE - Sage


118.4K Messages

7 years ago

@MicCheck   Exactly.  They would not discuss it.  

@BRoss3250   If you aren't out any money, it's a dead issue.  The Bogo offer was not valid unless you are adding a new line of service.  That doesn't need resolving.  


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