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2 Messages

Tuesday, August 7th, 2018 3:45 PM

ATT Fixed wireless data usage not matching what is recorded on the residential gateway

Hello, I had the ATT fixed wireless product installed in June. Prior to that I had ATT DSL. With my DSL, we used about 50GBs of data per month. After we installed the Fixed wireless it jumped to 170GB in 9 days. This obviously caused many questions, because our internet usage habits did not change. I have the Pace 5268AC residential gateway (supplied by ATT) and I started watching the traffic counters in the user interface, so I could compare that to the reported usage on my ATT account. The difference in the traffic counters and the reported data usage are dramatic. My reported data usage is 5 times what the traffic counter in the router is showing. I tested this numerous times by resetting the counters and watching for many days. Over and over again, the reported data usage was way more than the traffic counter in the router itself. Any idea why the router and the data calculator in the billing system can be so different. As a side note, the traffic counter in the router is more in line with our data usage on the DSL. Have there been any known issues with ATT not calculating data usage on the fixed wireless product accurately? 

Accepted Solution

Official Solution

Community Support


232.9K Messages

6 years ago

Hello, @jeffmkenn.


We can help you understand your data usage and why the traffic counter can be different than the data calculator.

Home internet data usage includes all data that you send and receive on your AT&T Internet, both wired and Wi-Fi. Learn how to manage, monitor, and estimate future data usage.

Let us know if this helps you understand & manage your Fixed Wireless Internet data usage.


Ariel, AT&T Community Specialist




2 Messages

6 years ago

Thank you for your response Ariel,

I was not referring to the data calculator that helps estimate data usage for certain on line activities. I was referring to the data traffic counter that is in the residential gateway. All data used, by all devices goes through the residential gateway, and, it keeps an actual and accurate account of that data traffic. My issue is that the data traffic being tracked in the residential gateway does not match (or is even close) to what is being reported in the ATT billing system on my account. The amount of data being counted by the residential gateway should be, at least, close to what the data billing system is calculating. If not, then I will need a very detailed explanation of why not.



Community Support


232.9K Messages

6 years ago

I apologize for that misunderstanding, @jeffmkenn.

To fully assist with this issue further, we will need to look over your account in more detail.

I am sending you a private message (PM) to help in this matter. Please check your forums private messages by clicking the Forums Inbox. Locate the PM from ATTCares and reply to my message with your specific account details.


I look forward to your response and the opportunity to help you!

Ariel, AT&T Community Specialist



35 Messages

6 years ago

They really don't know what your data usage is. They are guessing using complicated algorithms. Fixed Wireless from AT&T is structured on a Carrier Grade NAT. What this means is they are taking puplic IP address and serving multiple customers from that address. Example: cell sector A is serving 15 customers with a public IP and each of the 15 are linked with a private IP. Customers 1-5 read the news browse the net & check email. Customers 6-10 do that plus social media FB ect.. Customers 11-15 do all the above plus download large files, software system updates, stream video content, buy specialty applications video, picture editing software, games ( but finding out they can't play against anyone online) ect...They have one true IP to track and that's the puplic one. Algorithms are the only way they can decern who is doing what!. Another disturbing thing is what if one of the 15 is breaking the law....all 15 will be suspect! CGNAT to be implemented Today is an absolute crime in it's self. Where is IPV6 AT&T! All these customers could then subscribe to any streaming service they wanted Netflix, Hulu ect..They could game multiplayer wether on PC XBOX or Playstation. They could check video feeds away from home for security. They would be able to turn the thermostat up before coming home. They could communicate through a VPN from home to work.....And you could accurately monitor the data PER customer!.....sor so for the rant but CGNAT you got to be kidding!



1 Message

6 years ago

How do I get help...I have the same issue with my fixed wireless.



1 Message

5 years ago

I am having the same problem, I have spent two days on the phone with att reps who can’t figure out what is happening and eventually hang up on me after 45 minutes on the phone. I am in my second month on fixed wireless and can not get any help? 

ACE - Sage


118.4K Messages

5 years ago

 I would encourage anyone who has a problem with the data counter not agreeing with AT&T‘s billing to file an FCC complaint. This will get someone who knows what they’re doing to take a closer look at the information and hopefully resolve the discrepancy. 




2 Messages

5 years ago

I'm having the same problem . . . went from dsl a few months ago where my usage was around 100G every month to fixed wireless where my usage is close to 200 with 20 days left! . . . only two people in house with one tv and one computer in use at a time. . . . I talked to fixed wireless rep who said they were having a problem and she assured me I would not be billed for overage . . . but is that for real? I understand you can get all the usage you want for an extra 30.00 a month . . . would that be a better option in the long run? 

New Member


2 Messages

Same thing is happening to us

We’re hardly home and we’ve changed the resolution on all TVs and tablets to 720 and in four days we’ve used almost 200 of our 250 gb. We have no way to track what devices are using how much. The rep can’t help and said she will escalate the issue and get back to me. It’s so frustrating that we have no idea how to understand or manage our usage. As far as paying $30 extra, I don’t know how to get that promotion, but if you can get it, maybe it’s the worry free way to go with fixed wireless.


New Member


3 Messages

I'm hesitant to sign up for Fixed Wireless here. DSL service here and can't get much information on the fixed wireless plan.

I was lucky to get DSL here, and its grandfathered here. Fought tooth and nail to have it. Give it up for worse and you have no options. That's my reality, and no doubt others. I guess I could wait until T-Mobile has service better than 'fair' here to qualify for their NO contact service home internet (no throttle or data caps)?! Come on here! I want YOUR service! You are in my area!

We live close to a ATT tower, and I doubt the service wouldn't be available. Hotspots from visitors validate that - YES att visitors from out of state (urbans areas). Yet, the corporation is so big and you can't get anything in writing to back for your/their obligation? Risk factor HUGE for me, and no risk for the corporation? Friends that visit with their hotspot service is better than our service 'as is'. Yes, that is ATT hotspot. They gamed and everything! That makes me even more hesitate!

Why do it for less service since you are already paying MORE for less service than urban areas anyway. They are asking me to gamble here. Very uncomfortable position if you ask me. I shouldn't have to gamble to get even less service than I receive now. It's next to nothing here as is.

We get 150G and pay more now in overage charges, and that will change once the young adults move out. Yet until then? I'm scared to move forward with anything since I can't get a Gig price on the website, and I could lose my DSL if I go forward. It's not great, but at least it is present (broadband service). I need more than the 150G to make it worth it, and on top of that no guarantee on reliability of service if I find that DSL service is better than our fixed wireless (can you imagine?). Can you imagine in this day and age that fixed wireless can't' be better that dsl?! I shouldn't have to go government agencies to get what I paid for. That's crazy! They should be able to tell me if they can serve me or not - then give me back my DSL if they can't. I'm NOT asking for a huge improvement, but at least something! AT&t is in a better position for the gamble than our family. We depend on the service for school and other things. DSL is flakey, and yet our friend's hotspots didn't seem to be. It's a huge risk for us.

I'm also hesitate because our home has dead zones for cell service, and yet DSL works fine there for internet. If I'm reading correctly you can't expand with a router to expand the area needing signal with a workable router within the home. We are used to flakey dead zones with wireless cell phones (some days you can sometimes make calls within that area of the house, but always with others). You can do that with homes that need expansion of the otherwise standard modem with wired service, but not wireless? It could be walls to thick, or homes that expand longer, etc to impact service. Everyone is different. So you can't use a router to attach to the modem to expand coverage in the house? That's so confusing! DSL can game but due to service area coverage 4G wireless we can't? I have no idea and have no guarantees if I can go back to something that works barely. It's better than nothing. AT&T you need to do better than this! It's 2020!

Not asking for much here, but just NORMAL service for internet. Why is that asking to much?

ACE - Sage


118.4K Messages

If you are using fixed Wireless to stream TV , that really does not surprise me. We hit close to our 1024 gig cap every month.

At 720p you are still using 1 gig per hour. And for some streaming services, reducing your screen resolution does not reduce the stream rate. If you are streaming any live TV type product, you will definitely use more data.
I stream Amazon Prime and find that older programs stream at a lower rate than new programs. (Streaming an old TV show from the 90s uses less data than streaming something that is current) .

🐾 I don’t work for AT&T or any carrier. Former AT&T,  Current Verizon customer.  My replies are based on experience and reading content available on the website. If you posted personal information, please edit and remove. 

Award for Community Excellence Achiever*
*I am not an AT&T employee, and the views and opinions expressed on this forum are purely my own. Any product claim, statistic, quote, or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider, or party.

ACE - Sage


118.4K Messages

Have you considered supplementing your hotspot plan by signing up for AT&T business Elite Wireless? That service adds a hundred gigs per line of hotspot use. (each phone can hotspot 100 gigs)

🐾 I don’t work for AT&T or any carrier. Former AT&T,  Current Verizon customer.  My replies are based on experience and reading content available on the website. If you posted personal information, please edit and remove. 

Award for Community Excellence Achiever*
*I am not an AT&T employee, and the views and opinions expressed on this forum are purely my own. Any product claim, statistic, quote, or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider, or party.

New Member


3 Messages

I’m experiencing this also. We’ve used 110Gb in 2 days!

This is ridiculous. Like having the service but may have to cancel if it won’t track correctly.

I have a local network setup. I’m wondering if it is also counting the local traffic as bandwidth usage.

New Member


2 Messages

3 years ago

I was glad to see I’m not the only person experiencing this issue. I’ve had wireless internet for years with another carrier with only 64 gigs of data to use per month. I exceeded that limit ONCE when I ran out of data with one day left in the billing cycle.

We’ve been on AT&T fixed wireless now for almost 3 months. We used 125 gigs the first month. Of course I connected my smart TV’s and streamed a few programs the first month as I now have a 500 gig plan, so I wasn’t overly surprised at the data usage. 3 weeks into the 2nd billing cycle we were on track to use roughly the same amount of data. However, in the last week of that billing cycle our data usage spiked an additional 125 gigs, for a total of 250 gigs of data usage for the month!

The very next week we were showing using 77 gigs in the first day with all tv’s disconnected!
I called AT&T about this. I’m informed they are aware that the app is reporting erroneous data usages and are “working on the problem”. They assured me I won’t be charged for any overages. We’ll see.

What I find very odd after digging deeper I notice the data usage is showing extremely high on uploads. On the 2nd day of my billing cycle my data was showing 91 gigs of UPLOADED data and 9 gigs of download. For the past 2 weeks this has been the norm, roughly 90 percent of my excessive data usage is uploaded data. 
No way this is accurate. I now have all my video devices disconnected and my data usage seems to have settled to around 20 gigs of data a day. Normal usage until I switched to AT&T was around 2 gigs a day using the same devices as always... nothing new.

New Member


1 Message

1 year ago

Same issues here. This month I can use a ton of data and know I’m using a ton because I down load huge games, update things, etc and it won’t report hardly any usage. Next month I can use very minimal data, no downloads/updates, very Light streaming and it’ll report I’ve used 160 gb in a matter of three days. It is highly inaccurate and I’m not sure how they even calculate usage. I can only assume after all these years based off the age of some of these replies, that this issue will not be fixed. I’m sure it would’ve by now if they had intentions to do so. I know rural customers are low on the list of priorities but man do I dream of the day when data caps are no longer a worry for us. 

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