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2 Messages

Monday, October 14th, 2019 6:13 PM

AT&T "Free iPhone 8" promotion

We are long time, high volume customers , however in a very lengthy conversation for the purpose of correcting our vastly inflated account, I was informed we had earned 2 'free' iPhone 8s. I reminded the rep why I'd called in the first place and informed her I in no way wanted no numbers or devices. She told me they were totally free (aside from the tax) and I could do as I saw fit with them. I agreed, thinking I'd at least sell them or have them on hand in case another broke. She informed me an email would need to be received and acknowledged in order to get the phones, and seeing no email, learning an "Enjoy" rep was at my door 2 hours later, to give the phones, it began to seem odd. I ultimately, again after confirming from that rep, that the phones were not activated nor new lines, accepted the 2 phones. I have since learned they are in fact connected to our account. I spent 45 minutes on the online 'chat' this morning explaining the phones need to be taken and disconnected from having anything to do with our account. Repeatedly, I was told I have to take these phones myself to a store to get them to be returned. I have a severe disability, and yet nothing was of interest to the rep, who instead told me to just call the "customer loyalty' number.  No call bore any results, and I then decided to report the issue with the FCC.  Prior to describing what happened next, I am curious to know if anyone else fell for the promotion that was anything BUT free?

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