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2 Messages

Friday, June 7th, 2019 5:52 AM

AT&T not only lied to me repeatedly but ruined my credit too.


    So I had an iPhone 6s that I had had for about 2 years that finally stopped working in the beginning of May. I figured since I had a new, better job I would treat myself to a new phone. I chose AT&T because the BOGO iPhone promotion and the fact that I wanted to surprise my daughter with a new iPhone for her graduation. So I put an iPhone XS, an iPhone XR (the free phone) and an Apple Watch series 3 into my cart. I continue through the checkout process, run my credit, and it says no deposit is required for any of the lines. Awesome Sauce right?? Ha ha yeah right. So I pay all the taxes n crap on both iPhones and the watch and get an email saying my order is processing. The next day I get a call that i need to call and verify my identity, okay no big deal, actually kinda glad AT&T was looking out for me. So anyhow I go through verifying information, explaining I had recently moved and naming off streets around my current location. The lady tells me I am all set and that my order could be placed AGAIN. Wait..... my order could be placed again, why was it cancelled??? Well nobody had a straight answer for me. But super excited to get a new phone and be able to surprise my daughter with a brand new phone as a graduation gift (she has had the iPhone 6 for like 3/4 years) I just brushed it off and walked through the ordering process with the AT&T rep on the phone. I’m told the order would be identical to the one cancelled (as far as the phones and watch, the service, no deposit would be needed, etc.). So we get to the credit part and she asks for my information. I asked why she needed my credit info again when I was just verified through fraud and my original order still showed on my end as processing where you could clearly see that no deposit was required. She insisted that running my credit again (this is the second time now that I’m aware of) was not going to make any negative reactions. So anyway like I said I was super excited, more so to surprise my daughter with a new phone for graduating the as the valedictorian of her class than for me to get a new phone even though I had been over a week without at this point that I just trusted the AT&T rep. Okay so my second order is done, no deposit is required and I’m told since I’ve already verified through the fraud department the two phone lines and watch would ship within the next 48 hours. I get an email about 48 hours later saying my order shipped. I look at the email and they have only shipped the iPhone XS and an Apple Watch series 4 in rose gold sport band. OH MY FREAKING GOD for real people. I placed an order for an iPhone XS in gold 64gb, an iPhone XR in red also a 64gb (that was free with promo) and a series 3 Apple Watch in white /silver/aluminum. I called AT&T immediately upon seeing this and wouldn’t you know it, the package is supposed to be delivered that day. Finally someone was able to do something and fed ex never delivered the package and instead sent it back to AT&T. I figured that they would just put the right order into the packages and re send me the correct phones and watch. Now I’ve been about 2 weeks at this point without a phone and getting frustrated because now I have made not one, but two payments to AT&T for the taxes on the phones and watch on the installment plans and I did not have either order nor did I have the refunds. I was told that even though the second order never left the fed ex truck and it was not my fault that the order was messed up I still had to wait until the phone and watch arrived back to Texas and were thoroughly examined for damage before I would get my refund. By this point I am absolutely furious. I’ve taken two hits to my credit that I’ve literally spent the last 2 years repairing, I’ve paid AT&T about $300 between the two orders that I couldn’t get back until they were looked over for damage even though I never touched the phone or watch apparently if it were damaged I wouldn’t have got my refund. 😡😡😡😡😡

      Fast forward about 5 days and I still hadn’t got any email updates regarding the order I paid for that was stopped mid delivery n sent back to ATT because they messed up the order. So I call once again. This time I’m told it has been shipped back out and I would receive the correct phones and watch that week (it was Tuesday I called). I let it go for a few days even though I hadn’t received any tracking information or email updates. When Friday came n went and I was still without a phone I called again. Mind you my first order was on May 3rd, it was now May 20th and I had been out $300+, my credit had been run twice at this point that I was aware of and I still had no phone. So I might have freaked out a little bit demanding answers. I’m transferred all over the place from one rep to another, from one supervisor to another and I’m finally told that the package that they made the mistake on that was shipped out to me the following week could not in fact be shipped back to me. Instead they had to cancel it AGAIN and I would have to RE-ORDER. Are you really freaking serious right now??? I have to suffer because you guys made a mistake? How the heck is that fair? SO NOW I HAVE TO PLACE A THIRD ORDER, RUN MY CREDIT THAT IVE WORKED SO HARD ON THE LAST COUPLE YEARS TO FIX, A THIRD TIME, AND PAY FOR A THIRD TIME THE TAXES ON THE TWO PHONES AND WATCH WHEN I STILL DID NOT HAVE THE MONEY I PAID FROM THE FIRST TWO ORDERS BACK YET. 😡😤😡😤😡😤😡 the gentleman on the phone placed me on hold to speak to a supervisor to see if anything could be done.  He came back on the line apologizing over and over, and to tell me that they would offer me some newer promotion which was basically the same as the BOGO IPhone deal I originally ordered except that now I would not only get the iPhone XR free but because it was done online I would get a $300 rewards card and that they would give me 6 months of the unlimited premium and more for the same price as the lower end unlimited plan I had originally gone with. BUT... and this is the huge BUT!!!! There was no way around having to place that third order, run my credit that third time, and pay the taxes for a third time. Because they had offered some incentives in there I just said screw it... I’ve wasted over a month now dealing with lie after lie from at least 10 different agents and at least 4 supervisors, one mess up after another.. I thought for sure they couldn’t possibly make this any worse, they just had to get it right this time. So once again they keep me on the line through the ordering process and all goes fine until I hit the credit part.... now they want a $600 device deposit for that second iPhone that in the first two orders required no down payment. You guys had to cancel my orders and re run my credit 3 times for reasons totally out of my control (actually your own screw up)within a 3 week period and now not only are you asking for a $600 down payment on the phone that just the week before required no down payment, but my credit score I worked years to fix dropped 48 points in just 3 weeks because of these inquiries. 

    That second iPhone was my daughters graduation gift and required nothing down the first two times I ordered it. You guys screwed up on those orders, I DID NOT!!! First..... you accidentally cancelled the first order I placed when it wasn’t supposed to be cancelled at all, just verified through fraud before it shipped. And then the second order I placed that AGAIN required zero down payment or deposit had to be stopped mid shipment and returned because YOU GUYS forgot to put one of the phones in my package. That absolutely is not my fault and my credit should not have had to be run 3 different times for the same freaking order within a 3.5 week period. You have no idea how disgusted I am with you guys. Not only did you ruin the last years worth of hard work I put in to increase my credit score in a matter of 3 weeks, but now I can’t give my daughter the iPhone I promised her for graduating at the top of her class because I can’t afford the $600 down payment that is now being asked from me because my credit score dropped from the REPEATED inquiries YOU ALL DID on it. That is absolutely not fair at all to me nor my daughter. All the lies I was fed in regards to what was going on with my orders and money, the false promises that were made as a means to get me to submit that third order and were never kept. There is absolutely no reason my original order containing the iPhone XS Max, the iPhone XR (BOGO promotion)and the Apple Watch should not have been honored. I mean c’mon, even the second order I placed didn’t require any payment up front except for the taxes, just like my first order. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see what happened here..... The first and second order went through without asking for a down payment because my credit was sufficient. After 3 credit checks in 3 and a half weeks it starts to negatively affect my credit and that is why the third order asked for a $600 down payment that I just didn’t have being I’m a single mother to 5 amazing kids. The third order I was able to get the one phone and watch without a down payment but the most important phone I had to remove from my cart (even though it’s a free phone). I would like for someone to look into this mess. I’ve got many of the chat transcripts still as I didn’t have a phone to talk and had to use my laptop to utilize the chat service for answers. Each one is a different rep, telling me a different story and promising me something they never followed through with. No two stories are the same, not one single rep will acknowledge that my credit was sufficient enough the first and second order to have all 3 devices on an installment plan without a down payment being required even though at least 3 of them had the orders in front of them showing zero down due. I’ve never in my life felt so used and abused before. You guys are pathological liars and do not care who gets hurt. I’m hoping to be able to drop ATT all together and switch to Verizon soon but lord knows that since you guys royally screwed my daughter and I over I doubt I’d get approved anywhere else either. Thank you ATT for ruining my credit, making me past due in my rent because you held two payments from me for sales tax due for two of the same orders for almost a month even though you cancelled the orders before they ever arrived on my doorstep and thank you for making my daughter who I’m beyond proud of look down on me because I broke a promise to her. I’m not going to stop calling and writing everyone I can think of about this completely disgraceful incident you all pulled on me. Anyone in corporate that will listen, office of the president. I can not believe you guys can really sit back knowing this was your own doing and not be able to help make it right. It’s sad


Former Employee


32.9K Messages

5 years ago

too long to read



3.2K Messages

5 years ago

TLDR: OP ordered two iPhones and a Watch on BOGO, no security deposit was required. It was cancelled for verification. OP verified account, order was placed over the phone with no security deposit, but an iPhone was missing from the order. OP cancelled and placed order again, but AT&T wanted a security deposit this time. OP can't afford the security deposit, hasn't gotten refunds, and is mad.

New Member


1 Message

Here we go...

I switched to ATT and started the process at Target. Went to ATT store to check on phones right after. The worker said I should do it in the store to make sure there were no issues. So I did.

The switch was started because they had a promotion that stated you trade in phone (that met criteria) from other carrier and get free iPhone 11.

I made the switch in store. They took my phone in store and said other 3 phones would be shipped. Was instructed to put phones in the box old phones came in and send them back to ATT. I did as told using the shipping label provided in the box. Two days later I got envelopes to ship old phones back so that was confusing. I called the store to discuss the issue and to state that I was told differently. I was told it was no big deal and $2800 ($700 for each phone) credits would be a little delayed but still fine.

This all happened in November 2019. I called in April 2020 to see how things were going. Evidently credits were denied (even the phone I turned in to the actual store). I am out $2800 because the fella told me to send phones back in the box new phones came in. He even admitted telling me that. $2800 is a lot of money (over 3% of my yearly income). And they will do nothing to help me now. I’m really mad/sad/disappointed. No clue what to do.

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