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1.3K Messages

Wednesday, October 9th, 2019 7:16 PM

AT&T Providing Relief for Californians Affected by Power Shut Offs

We continue to work with the power companies in California to keep our customers connected during this event.


We are closely monitoring our network and are aware service may be affected for some customers in affected areas. Our teams are deploying resources throughout the state, including bringing in additional equipment from other states, to support our customers and public safety. We are working as quickly as possible and appreciate our customers’ patience.


For more information, please refer to AT&T Providing Relief for Californians Affected by Power Shut Offs.


AT&T also encourages customers to consider the following recommendations:


Customer Tips

  • Keep your mobile phone battery charged. Have another way to charge your phone like an extra battery, car charger or device-charging accessory.
  • Keep your mobile devices dry.  Keep it safe from the elements by storing it in a baggie or some other type of protective covering.
  • Program all of your emergency contact numbers and e-mail addresses into your mobile phone. Numbers should include the police department, fire station and hospital, as well as your family members.
  • Camera phones provide assistance. If you have a camera phone, take, store and send photos and video clips of damage to your insurance company.

Business Tips

  • Set up a call-forwarding service to a backup location. Set up a single or multiple hotline number(s) for employees, their families, customers and partners so they all know about the business situation and emergency plan.
  • Back up data to the Cloud. Routinely back up files to an off-site location.

Things to Remember

  • Text messaging. During an emergency situation, text messages may go through more quickly than voice calls.
  • Be prepared for high call volume. During an emergency, the increased calling volume may create network congestion. If you can’t get a call through, hang up, wait several seconds and then try the call again.

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1.3K Messages

5 years ago

For more information on AT&T's response to the California Power Shut Offs, please refer to AT&T Providing Relief for Californians Affected by Power Shut Offs.



The AT&T Community Team



3 Messages

5 years ago

I have AT&T Wireless and I use an iPhone SE. I live in Richmond/El Sobrante, CA, on Buckboard Way. When I disable my WiFi, and rely solely on cellular service, my phone gets 2 bars when I'm at home. I am able to access websites, and send/receive email and text messages. However, during the recent PG&E Public Safety Power Shutoff on October 9-10, I completely lost cell service immediately, as soon as the power went out at 10:45pm on Wednesday. Absolutely no service. My loss of cell service at my home lasted the entire 17 hours of the power outage. I tried turning my phone all the way off and restarting it several times, and I tried every area of my house and yard. No service.  My neighbor across the street also has AT&T Wireless, and he had occasional cell reception, broken up by periods of no service. When I drove a couple of miles out of my neighborhood, I could get cell reception. And when the power was restored at my house, around 3:45pm Thursday, my cell service came back on within a minute or two. I would like to make sure you're aware of this problem, and ask you for an explanation and a plan to remedy it. The cell phone is my only link to the outside world when the power goes out, and if it's not going to get service/reception, I'm in real trouble if there's an emergency. 



1 Message

5 years ago


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