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15.2K Messages

Friday, March 31st, 2017 6:25 PM




Hello Community!


Happy Spring!  I have been with AT&T for over a decade now, and have always been proud of our network, products, and the customer service we are able to provide.  But what about rewarding our loyal customers?  How are we continuing to expand how we say “Thanks” to the amazing people that make up this great community?


Introducing, AT&T THANKS!


Please check out all the details below for more information Smiley Happy


Tim, AT&T Community Specialist

AT&T Customer Care

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*I am an AT&T employee, and the postings on this site are my own and don't necessarily represent AT&T's position, strategies or opinions.

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15.2K Messages

7 years ago

Although AT&T THANKS launched in late 2016, I wanted to take some time to share the details with all the customers that aren’t aware of this fantastic program. In addition, AT&T THANKS is always evolving, and we are constantly looking at new ways we can show our appreciation to you through program updates and new benefits.


If you aren’t familiar with AT&T THANKS, or if you aren’t taking advantage of all it has to offer, get the app now!


From entertainment, to service and unique experience offers, we want to empower you to spend more time on the things and people that matter most to you. There’s a lot of thanks to go around and we’re just getting started.  Since this is a dynamic program, you can always find the AT&T THANKS tiers and benefits by visiting our site and seeing the latest and greatest incentives.  You can also learn more at att.com/attthanks!


Tim, AT&T Community Specialist




4 Messages

7 years ago

just another bunch of crap from AT&T, been a customer since 90's, got one of the  piece of crap S5 Active with Battery problems. AT&T knew about the battery problem (talked to a few reps. at different AT&T stores) but decided to keep it under wraps till the Device Warranty period was over so that the poor customer can be ripped off to get service for their units. 





[Legal discussions are not permitted per the Guidelines]



8 Messages

7 years ago

Hi,  you are just 'on the money '  I'm  subscriber of  AT&T since dinosaur's  time  1986 when we have the huge box in the car
Then,  they charge  "arm & the leg"  no perks  Stay with them thru  all merges That is 30 long years .

At one time had  8  lines ,  my family members after few years,  got enough and cancel  6.  My daughter and I stay  .We are asking ourself  WHY ?  I'm  appalled by the way they treat me for at least last two years   ( including " if you don't like why don't you  change  provider " )  Most agents are nice especially the one from overseas .  The company owners became ........because they  know, that our wireless  service is in their  oligopoly  hands.




2 Messages

7 years ago

I would really liked to have been notified about this (as timely as I've been texted and called about late payments) considering I've been with AT&T since it was CELLULAR ONE, than Cingular Wireless, now AT&T (i.e., >21 YEARS!).  For that loyalty, I've been 'hit' with countless late fees during rough times, including suspension threats (like today) for being NINE days late for due dates that should've been a month later than they were (as services hadn't even been rendered when payments were considered late!@?)  I don't care if "everyone" started doing this,  [Edited to comply with Guidelines]   When I did accounting, bills to customers were not submitted until AFTER services were provided, and were not late unless paid later than 30 days after that.  Your industry should not be allowed to bill for services rendered BEFORE they are provided, (just to THEN collect late fees, suspension fees and reactivation fees if not received by due dates based upon said billings.!)   Also: AT&T phones have the worst reception from all friends' comparisons, and we lose calls far more frequently, prompting this final question, "Can you hear me now?!"



1 Message

7 years ago

That is so true about late fees and disconnection, no matter if you have paid your bill on time in the past. Then, the almighty re-connect fee charge fee gets charged to your bill. 

I worked for Bell South directly out of high school. They would let people go for I know at least three months before a letter of disconnect. What I found rather amusing in a way, were the people that were mostly late every month and sometimes getting disconnected were supposedly the towns elite.

AT&T you disconnected my U-verse almost seven years ago on my birthday. Exactly a month after our nine year daughter found him passed away from a heart attack. It wasn't the best time there for me AT&T.

How about all this streaming stuff you're sending me texts you seem to feel I'm excited about, send one talking about lowering the prices on all your services. If I could ever figure out a way to do without wifi....and with all this talk about security breaches in cell phones...I'm about ready to go back to smoke signals. And, drop this "its only blah blah a month" ...yeah that sounds good. But, then you fail to mention the state, federal, the taxes to tax the taxes and on and on it goes....



2 Messages

7 years ago

Hello! I have been with AT&T for 22 years. I have been trying to resolve since November 2016 being overcharged for 3 lines of devices that don't exist. I have spoke to a minimum of 8 managers and "the case" has been escalated 4 times and yet it is still not resolved. Each time I am on the phone it takes a minimum of 1 hour and 56 minutes to get a manager to finally read through the notes and understand the convoluted nature of the file. I am then told a manger will call me back and nobody does. I have been taking screen shots of my time on the phone and am at a loss on what I am suppose to do because I can't consistently miss work so I can stay on  a line to resolve something that never ends up getting resolved. At this point I ma just wanting to take my corporate account elsewhere. Thanks!      



2 Messages

7 years ago

Hello! I have been with AT&T for 22 years. I have been trying to resolve this since November 2016 being overcharged for 3 lines of devices that don't exist. I have spoke to a minimum of 8 managers and "the case" has been escalated 4 times and yet it is still not resolved. Each time I am on the phone it takes a minimum of 1 hour and 56 minutes to get a manager to finally read through the notes and understand the convoluted nature of the file. I am then told a manger will call me back and nobody does. I have been taking screen shots of my time on the phone and am at a loss on what I am suppose to do because I can't consistently miss work so I can stay on  a line to resolve something that never ends up getting resolved for over 7 months now. It's absurd! At this point I am just wanting to take my corporate account elsewhere. Thanks!      



1 Message

7 years ago

I wonder, does your thanks program consist of a loyal customer purchasing unlimited data for all 4 of their devices only to later inform them "Oops! that device is not covered"? Does your thanks program consist of your insurance carrier stating they will get a loyal customer their replacement phone on a certain date only for that customer to have to call (spending over 45 minutes trying to get to an actual person for help mind you) and find out from your insurance carrier that not only was the new phone not sent but that there would be a $225 deductible along with the monthly installment. Does your thanks program also include a loyal customer seeking help for the afore mentioned issue contacting one of your service members who cannot help only to find out the supervisor is too busy to help? If that is your definition of thanks then I have a suggestion where you can place your thanks and thoughts on where this loyal customer can take her business. For 7 years I have told all I know I never had problems with AT&T and even recommended your services. Since your have actively started trying to keep from actual customer contact your service is the worst on the market. I will never recommend your services again.

ACE - Expert


14.4K Messages

7 years ago

@NoLongerValued wrote:

I wonder, does your thanks program consist of a loyal customer purchasing unlimited data for all 4 of their devices only to later inform them "Oops! that device is not covered"? Does your thanks program consist of your insurance carrier stating they will get a loyal customer their replacement phone on a certain date only for that customer to have to call (spending over 45 minutes trying to get to an actual person for help mind you) and find out from your insurance carrier that not only was the new phone not sent but that there would be a $225 deductible along with the monthly installment. Does your thanks program also include a loyal customer seeking help for the afore mentioned issue contacting one of your service members who cannot help only to find out the supervisor is too busy to help? If that is your definition of thanks then I have a suggestion where you can place your thanks and thoughts on where this loyal customer can take her business. For 7 years I have told all I know I never had problems with AT&T and even recommended your services. Since your have actively started trying to keep from actual customer contact your service is the worst on the market. I will never recommend your services again.

Most of your issue seems to be with Asurion, the insurance provider, and not AT&T. No matter the carrier, if you choose to purchase mobile phone insurance through the provider, it will be Asurion. Many people choose to insure their phone in other ways. That might be something for you to consider. 


I'm curious about your device that isn't covered by unlimited data. Can you give more detail?

ACE - Expert


16.5K Messages

7 years ago


You can find out what the Thanks program includes by reading http://att.com/thanks

You can find out what your insurance covers by reading https://mobileprotectionpack.att.com


find out from your insurance carrier that not only was the new phone not sent but that there would be a $225 deductible along with the monthly installment. 

Maybe I'm reading that wrong but it seems like you are surprised you would have a deductible?


What kind of insurances have you had that has no deductible/copay?  Car? Homeowners? Health?

And it's not like your monthly payments would stop just because you have a copay/deductable...


You should probably read your policy to see what it covers/costs.

Checking out the policy and deductible seems like a decent idea when signing up. Better than trying to shame someone else when you never checked...





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