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2 Messages

Monday, January 1st, 2018 11:44 AM

Biggest Regret of 2017 is AT&T

$235 a month. 2 phones. ... My experience here is ridiculous. Every single time I try and contact customer service, I get outsourced to India and get very limited help. (My previous Indian customer service representatives names where -I'm not kidding- Michael Angelo, and Gabby Rella) I usually end up having to reset my password and get HUNG UP on. Every single time I try and file a customer service form, I have to re-verify my account, reset my password, and/or set new security questions. I have NEVER been able to log into ANYTHING. My service plan is unlimited everything on a brand new Note 8. Most of my calls drop after only a few minutes. My data down speed is absolutely miserable; it peaks at .5 mb/s. Where is my 30mb? Certainly nowhere on the Big Island. I ended up having to spend $300 on a outdoor Yagi Omnidirectional signal booster, repeater, and extender. This allows me to REMAIN on the phone, though in absolutely no way, improves the quality of my call. After a few minutes, instead of dropping, neither party can hear or understand eachother; the conversation is always choppy. But hey! At least it doesn't hang up, right?

My IP bounces all across the world. When I visit websites, they may automatically load as: Korean, Chinese, Japanese, Texas, California, New York, Maine, and even parts of Canada. This happens even in Google maps; my nearest gas station is NOT in fact in Sacramento... PAHOA, Hawaii please. 

I suspect this IP bouncing is causing other issues as well, such as: CATCHPAS NEVER work. I fill them out, I double-triple check, and end up having to try 5+ times before I give up. It's nearly impossible to visit particular sites, and purchase things online. I suspect this also creates an "Unsecure Network." When visiting specific websites that require a secure connection, such as government sites, I cannot load most of the site. This is inexplicably difficult to run a business with these kinds of problems. I would expect AT&T to provide me with SECURE INTERNET and SERVICE. 

I tripled my phone bill, by going to AT&T. This was truly my largest regret of 2017. I expected I was purchasing quality service with unlimited data. Alternatively, a simple Google search can take up to five Minutes. Voice commands require internet, and that simply does not work. I can't use Amazon most of the time. Even more often, my purchases won't process; occasionally double charging me. Facebook is right out the window; too much to ask for.

Furthermore, on the 3rd of December, I called customer service, and spoke with a woman in India. I gave her my new card information to pay my bill ahead of time, and was told I would not get auto billed this month, as I had just paid what was due. (My bill is due on the 24th) After resetting my password of course, I was told this was all successful and I would not be getting auto billed for the month of December. On December 24th, AT&T charged my old card for the month of December, again. A few days later, I get a bill in the mail with the due date of January 24th. I will not pay for January. My next bill will be on February 24th.

I have tried every which-way to contact you, and express my issues. Every single Satisfaction Survey you have sent me, I have filed 0's in every single deserving field; honestly, all of them. I have never been contacted after the Five "0" satisfaction surveys I have sent in. This is my last idea to get ANYBODY to help me. This is your last chance. If these issues are not solved, I will be taking this to Arbitration and my Attorney will contact you. I much prefer to handle this personally. 

ACE - Sage


118.4K Messages

7 years ago

You ended with an ultimatum, but you aren’t addressing ATT.  We are mostly customers like you.

as for the problem...

That’s why you had 14 days to change your mind.  You should have used it.  

 Not every carrier covers every part of United States. If I carrier doesn’t work you have the option of changing to a different carrier. It is entirely on the customer decide what carrier works for them and make those choices, it is not AT&T‘s fault. ( anymore than it would be Verizon, Sprint, T-Mobile fault)

You bought a plan at $145 a month and 2 Note 8?  Each is $41 a month, plus taxes, easily $235 a month.  Buy cheaper phones, pay cheaper prices.  

   Non-payment is not an option, AT&T will just suspend your service, charge you a late fee, and charge you $40 per line reconnect fee. If you choose not to pay, your lines will stay suspended, and your numbers will not be available to take to another carrier. If you’re unhappy with the reception quality,  start the move to a carrier that covers your area now. Understand that you still owe AT&T for the final month service and the remainder of both phones. Hopefully your new carrier will have a buyout option or you will have to sell your phones your self to pay off AT&T. 




2 Messages

7 years ago

When I pay for a service I expect the service to match in quality the price that I pay.  When a company charges me twice in one month they don't have the legal right to collect  from me in the following month.  That is called double dipping its illegal.  I realize that this is mostly a customer base forum But I have literally tried every other afternoon and you're right I did at my thing with an ultimatum and if AT&T chooses not to respond to any of my calls or to this form I'm going to arbitration I'm going to Sue it's not in ultimatum it's a fact

ACE - Expert


23.9K Messages

7 years ago

Your going to arbitration and att pays for it.  You can sue att in small claims court but that's it.

ACE - Sage


118.4K Messages

7 years ago

@Thethreeofus wrote:

When I pay for a service I expect the service to match in quality the price that I pay.  When a company charges me twice in one month they don't have the legal right to collect  from me in the following month.  That is called double dipping its illegal.  I realize that this is mostly a customer base forum But I have literally tried every other afternoon and you're right I did at my thing with an ultimatum and if AT&T chooses not to respond to any of my calls or to this form I'm going to arbitration I'm going to Sue it's not in ultimatum it's a fact

First thing that will come up: no carrier can or will guarantee service.  If it doesn’t work, change carriers.  In order to go through arbitration, you have to have a leg to stand on.

Its like keeping a sweater that didn’t fit and blaming the retailer.  Nope.  You had 14 days to return and you didn’t do it.

As for the Auto pay snafu, the system is set up, let it run.  You paid the extra payment, not the dumb computers fault. 



ACE - Expert


16.5K Messages

7 years ago

@Thethreeofus wrote:

When I pay for a service I expect the service to match in quality the price that I pay.  

And if they don't you need to cancel service and return the product. Before you regret it.


I'm not sure why you are paying for 30GB service for two lines when you could have unlimited for less (or the same-isa) money. 


$235 seems high, but it depends what kind of phones you have (I'm thinking you have phone costs in there). If you chose something that's $35 a month for each phone, you made a choice to spend $70 (AT&T charges the same for your plan if you have $50 phones or $1200 phones). Or you're paying for Insurance or some other add on...


You seem confused at the price, but you've got the bill you can see exactly how much it's for. Does it not match the cost of the plan?



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