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10 Messages

Monday, November 6th, 2017 6:10 AM

Cost of service, competitors??

Hi everyone loyal att customer here (maybe). So i have several products through att i have their internet, direct tv ( uverse) prior, and two phones through them. Now we have had issues since day one of our move almoast a year ago and after head ache, after headache, finally got the issue resovled and uverse tv and internet installed after convincing my wife of the service ( comcast fan). But i fugured i already conviced her and she had a decent time with phones after we had the issues resoveled everything would be alright. Well the uverese tv system was outdated and old user interface so we didnt care for it tha much and so we thought, ok our fault what options do we have so we went with the sales pitch from a nice att rep and got switched over to direct tv. Well from their again everything was fine for a little while untill our boxes went out. Well after having no tv and calling they send out a tech, he fixes after finding another installer installed our neighbors wrong. We then have to fight with them to get charges taken off for the tech coming out and more headaches for me a nd my wife but we stay with the services. Now go to see about adding unlimited data since what we where paying surely is more than unlimited but then it turns out since its only 2 phones we actually pay less then unlimted and unlimited plus with the included direct tv discount. Now note we do get a pretty good discount for our service, but that doesnt apply we found out after talking to att on the phone. So we are left with stay with att get less data with our growing data needs pay more for the unlimited bundle (hbo no big deal to us). So with that in mind i start looking around and notice most carriers will buy our remaning contract and device payments. So i went looking and found two options tmobil about the same price im paying now same devices same protection plans. Sprint again same devices same protection plans only a dollar more than att, i tried boost and their phone worked everywhere i needed it too so i think they have good service. To boot i can upgrade sooner and even get some gift cards from target. So i guess does anyone have suggestions??  Att reps chime in maybe help save a customer keeping same payments but unlimited data? 

ACE - Sage


118.4K Messages

7 years ago

If you’re asking ATT to match Boost, no.  If it works for you switch.  ATT will not alter the prices on their website. 

 Not saying they won’t try and dazzle you with something.  Like tablets under contract (which aren’t eligible for other carrier buy out).  

FYI prepaid carriers don’t buy out.  You have to go to Sprint and buy new phones to qualify for the reimbursement.  



10 Messages

7 years ago

Hi liz,

I know prepaid wont, but they use sprints network it was more seeing if the
betwork was decent useing the boost phones. As far as price matching or
anything else this is community and so starting a discussion that att a
might hear. And if anyone else has info on sprint snd tmobil gladly
appreciated. Or if anyone knows of other mobile deals? Any other loyal att
customers wanting to see maybe cotporate discoounts added back to the
unlimuted plans? Or more competitive priceing if we purchase more of their
services i know they love bundeling?

ACE - Sage


118.4K Messages

7 years ago


Sprint is not competition.  If they had better coverage they wouldn’t have to under-cut the other large carriers to stay in the game.  

If the T-mobile buy out goes through it won’t be an issue, it will continue to be a 3 carrier race.  

If you want the Sprint price, switch.  




10 Messages

7 years ago

Hey everyone,

I was just trying to open a discussion and get other people's opinions and
views on other companies and their experiences, thank you Liz for your
opinions and knowledge. I am wondering if any att employees se these forums
and if their are any options I missed?? And I guess just confused how you
can be a loyal customers for years and can't find a mutually beneficial
conclusion to this. Has customer appreciation a thing of the past or am I
again missing something?

Thanks everyone for your options and views

ACE - Expert


14.4K Messages

7 years ago

@noahk wrote:
Hey everyone,

I was just trying to open a discussion and get other people's opinions and
views on other companies and their experiences, thank you Liz for your
opinions and knowledge. I am wondering if any att employees se these forums
and if their are any options I missed?? And I guess just confused how you
can be a loyal customers for years and can't find a mutually beneficial
conclusion to this. Has customer appreciation a thing of the past or am I
again missing something?

Thanks everyone for your options and views

The forums are for customers to help other customers. AT&T employees do not use them in any official capacity. As @lizdance40 said, all of AT&T's prices are listed on the website. You can even log in and compare them to your current plan. 


If those plans aren't acceptable to you, then AT&T doesn't have any options for you. If there is another company that better meets your needs, that's what you should do. 


Beware, though, as those lower prices often come with lower coverage areas. What's more important? A cheap plan that you can only use in some places or a more expensive plan that works where you need it?

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