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1 Message

Saturday, November 1st, 2014 6:25 PM


Customer Service Issues

I am FURIOUS with AT&T's customer service. I lost my phone yesterday and am trying to figure what options I had to replace it. I spoke with online reps and either they don't have any answers (what use is a representative if they don't even know anything???) OR they close the chat before even trying to answer my questions. I am switching to another service. If you're a new customer, seriously consider another carrier. The customer service is horrendous. I've been having issues with them since day 1 (couldn't even activate my phone without having to call about 5 people - NO ONE EVEN KNEW HOW TO ACTIVATE MY PHONE).



2 Messages

10 years ago

I bought a Nokia Lumia 520 and they were very helpful in activating it and transferring my old number from verizon.  I love the coverage I get with this phone on ATT network.  I was so tired of the cheap garbage verizon was putting out just to say that they offer prepaid plans and phones.  Their feature phones are good on the prepaid, however the androids were horrendous.  On average I was having to purchase a new phone every 6-12months due to technical issues that verizon was not willing to resolve.  Hang in there with ATT, the nations biggest carrier, doesn't have the best service in the world unless you're willing to pay over $100/ month per line on a 2 year contract.  Then their customer service gets marginally better at best.

ACE - Professor


1.8K Messages

10 years ago

Did you have insurance for your cell phone, and what type of phone do you have? Where did you first get phone, AT&T Corperate Store or autherized dealer?Smiley Surprised

@jkwan92 wrote:

I am FURIOUS with AT&T's customer service. I lost my phone yesterday and am trying to figure what options I had to replace it. I spoke with online reps and either they don't have any answers (what use is a representative if they don't even know anything???) OR they close the chat before even trying to answer my questions. I am switching to another service. If you're a new customer, seriously consider another carrier. The customer service is horrendous. I've been having issues with them since day 1 (couldn't even activate my phone without having to call about 5 people - NO ONE EVEN KNEW HOW TO ACTIVATE MY PHONE).


ACE - Professor


1.8K Messages

10 years ago

@Trucker4Life wrote:

I bought a Nokia Lumia 520 and they were very helpful in activating it and transferring my old number from verizon.  I love the coverage I get with this phone on ATT network.  I was so tired of the cheap garbage verizon was putting out just to say that they offer prepaid plans and phones.  Their feature phones are good on the prepaid, however the androids were horrendous.  On average I was having to purchase a new phone every 6-12months due to technical issues that verizon was not willing to resolve.  Hang in there with ATT, the nations biggest carrier, doesn't have the best service in the world unless you're willing to pay over $100/ month per line on a 2 year contract.  Then their customer service gets marginally better at best.

If you are talking about prepaid AT&T phones, I don't know. But with Mobile Share Plans, there is some savings.Smiley Indifferent

Former Employee


1.1K Messages

10 years ago

Hello @jkwan92 , we're sorry to hear you lost your phone and have had a hard time replacing it. We would like to help. Send us a private message by clicking here and one of our awesome specialists will contact you within two business days to review your options. Please include your name, account number, contact information and the best time you can be reached. We'll do what we can to get you back in service!



6 Messages

9 years ago

The elephant in the room problem here (which is an elephant size EARmark of the worst customer service in the known universe) is that it took too much time, too much effort and too much aggravation for this person to get a response from the AT&T specialist. As usual, the worst customer service in the known universe response starts with the apology, as though an insincere 'I'm sorry" makes up for the lack of responsiveness up to that point. The assertion that one of their 'awesome specialists will contact you within two business days to review your options' holds several worst customer service in the known universe enigmas... first, why does one have to go through this process to get to the 'awesome specialists'... why aren't those awesome specialists available without wasting hours on the phone and days in the process? Second, if they are so awesome, why is it going to take two days for them to respond? That's awfully slow to be classified as awesome... in fact, it really is the worst customer service in the known universe. And finally, the trust under it all is that there is no spoon... that is to say there really are no 'awesome specialists', because it is the worst customer service in the known universe, the reality is that the 'awesome specialists' this 'community specialist' is referring to are from the same pool of flipchart toting, worst customer service in the known universe representatives, that everyone is exposed to every time they call the worst customer service in the known universe at AT&T.



629 Messages

9 years ago

While it is very unfortunate that it took so long to address this issue, and that there were so many un knowledgable, unhelpful representatives along the way, I feel that, in my personal opinion, a very specific and important point must be made. Each and every wireless carrier could, at some point, be considered to have "the worst service in the known universe." I know from experience the issues with ATT's service, my parents and I have encountered it many times over the 15+ years we've been with the company. However, I also know from first hand experience that Verizon's service is just as bad, if not worse in some aspects, at least according to their customers, than ATT. And when it comes to the "smaller" carriers, sprint and T-Mobile, they either have horrible coverage where some of their customers live, have comparatively inferior quality devices, or have such poor internet connection and speed that there's, really, no point in having "truly unlimited data" anyway. Not to mention the fact that when customers of the latter companies attempt to call in to THEIR customer service department, they, oftentimes, will be connected with a representative based in another country and, therefore, so difficult to communicate with that the customer will simply give up. So, having said all this, I do not believe it is prudent to state that ATT has, singularly, "the worst customer service in the known universe," when, quite frankly, all carriers do, in their own way.



6 Messages

9 years ago

While it is true that every wireless carrier and most large companies in general do provide a less than satisfactory customer service experience now and then, the sad reality about AT&T's customer service is that it is consistently bad. By consistently bad I mean that issues are rarely if ever resolved on the first contact (or even in the first several contacts) and while the people one deals with are, (with some notable exceptions who stand out as attitude challenged), very nice people, they are so constrained by AT&T's policies, procedures and an underlying corporate attitude of 'do the minimum necessary' that it is impossible for the customer care representatives to do an effective job. It is a culture issue that starts at the top... a rotting fish stinks from the head... that creates the problem with AT&T's customer service and which makes it the worst customer service in the known universe. One can debate the quality of core services from one carrier to another, there seem to be as many opinions as there are customers; and frankly, the quality of service that AT&T provides... by that I mean the mobile phone service and the data service are normally as good as any you'll find, but when it comes to customer service, AT&T does stand out, they do (in my opinion) provide the worst customer service in the known universe



629 Messages

9 years ago

Very sound points. However, I believe I have mentioned before that I worked as a call center representative taking calls for Verizon wireless customers. During my tenure as a Verizon rep., I, honestly, noticed many examples of the exact same customer service issues there that you've described occurring with ATT. Lack of first call, or sometimes even second or third call, resolution; uninformed, under informed, uncooperative, rude, unhelpful, or misleading representatives; strict policies issued from high-level individuals within the company that tied the hands of representatives in many situations and left/leaves them very little, if any, room to "bend the rules" for long standing, loyal customers; policies, practices, and attitudes that seem to favor new customers, rather than demonstrating to tenured customers that they matter; the list goes on. Point being that, based on the description of your specific dealings with ATT's customer service, and my experience working as a Verizon rep., it's my opinion that both companies deserve an equal share of the title of "worst customer service in the known universe." I just think it's funny that the two companies with the "worst" customer service, are also the two biggest.



6 Messages

9 years ago

As I have no expeience with Verizon's customer service, I can't comment on the quality of their call handling, in my experience and opinion AT&T still provides the worst customer service in the known universe, but if you say Verizon is just as bad, then fair enough, we can agree that they're both terrible, and yes, it is interesting that the two biggies are the worst.

Former Community Manager


10.4K Messages

9 years ago


I would like to thank everyone for taking the time to post your comments and opinions related to this subject. The topic has been thoroughly discussed and will now be closed.


Thank you,


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