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2 Messages

Thursday, March 19th, 2015 4:52 PM

Customer Service

I have to vent a little bit here.  I have been a loyal AT&T customer now for about 7 years.  Never thought about switching.  Generally happy with service.  That was until this year though. 


I recently made a big move with my family and we still had cell numbers with our old area code.  I figured since we made the move, we might as well have phone numbers that match, since we were settling down in the new part of the state.  Didnt think this would be a big deal as I have never once tried to change my number before.  After about half an hour on the phone, boom, it was done.  New number. Happy wife, Happy life.  Now fast forward to when I get my bill and there is a charge for each line for doing so.  Around $40 per line.  Nobody ever mentioned that to me and I feel that is a little steep to change my area code on my line.  After a call to AT&T and about an hour of bouncing between customer service representatives, I was able to get a refund of the charge since I was never told about it beforehand.  Problem fixed. Kudos ATT.


Now, about 3-4 months after that exchange, I start having problems with outgoing phone calls from both my lines.  Being that I work from home, my cell phone is a HUGE asset in my life.  Which is why I went with ATT in the first place being as they herald themselves as one of the most reliable networks.  A call into ATT later, they figure out there is a problem with the tower in my area and I will be without service in my small rural town for about a week.  Not great news, but I can manage.....A week later, still nothing.  Call into ATT and it is going to be at least another week.  So in total I was without service for about 14 days, or half the month.  Get my bill and its a whole bill....not half a bill.  How does this make sense?  How can a company charge you a whole months billing cycle, but only give you half a month of service? By being a huge company that doesnt care about its loyal customers. Thats how


My typical day during those 2 weeks was waking up in the morning, driving about 20 miles to a spot where I could get service, and return calls from my car, in the parking lot of a McDonalds.  Then I would proceed home, finish whatever work I had for the day.  While going through all this, I forgot to mention that my wife is pregnant and unless I drove 20 miles out of my way, I had no way of getting in contact with her.  First world problems, I know. 


Here is the kicker though.  Since I was able to find a way to make calls, I am not due any refund for my service.  Also, because I received a refund 3-4 months prior, they could not offer me any more of a refund.  As if I am the one to control when and where my service is interrupted.  If you have ATT, make sure you only have 1 problem a year, or you are screwed. 


The whole time on the phone, ATT stated we are a family. I was a very important customer.  But we cant do anything.  Wait, they offered me $20 off my $160 bill.  Awesome.  My current contract is up on April 27th and I will be venturing in to unknown territory.  Shopping for a new wireless carrier.  Although the loss of 2 customers on the nations largest cell phone provider will not hurt ATT much or even at all, hopefully someone reads this and takes a stand with me.  We shouldnt by pushed around and treated like a number and stand by while these companies rake in billions of dollars.  They do not care about my sob story.  Maybe they shouldnt.  But I do


SO LONG ATT! Please do your research before giving this company ANY of your business



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9 years ago

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9 years ago

Hello Sconny84,


The home page constantly refreshes as new topics and messages are posted.  This helps to keep the front page content current.


By default, only a limited number of messages are initially displayed, however yours is still listed. At the bottom of the page, click "Show More" and you can see your topic.


Hope that helps!

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9 years ago

Hello! @Sconny84 thanks for posting your concerns. Sorry to hear you’ve had a negative experience with your service. So we can get this resolved, Please send me a private message by Clicking Here and include the following information:


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