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2 Messages

Monday, February 1st, 2016 11:21 PM

Data - what uses Data?

What actually uses data?    I have unlimited talk & text. Never use music, have extremely rarely used the internet search, and do check weather app & others sometimes.  Seems I quickly use 'data' but am not sure how in order to better control usage. 

Accepted Solution

Official Solution

ACE - Sage


118.4K Messages

8 years ago

If you have a smartphone, it uses some kind of data to fuction, not just apps, but system functions, which is why a data plan is required with smartphones.

If you have a home wifi service, your phone can connect and use less mobile data by using your wifi data instead. 


Beyond that, any application, weather included, uses data, whether connected to your home wifi using your internet providers data, or using mobile data from your ATT allowance.  


Here are some helpful links and tools:

Data Usage Calculator

Estimating your Data Usage

Manage your Wireless Usage with AT&T (Video)

Tracking your Wireless Usage


If you need more assistance, we have a team of great social media specialists that can review your account and help you figure out what's going on. Please send us a private message by clicking here with your name, phone number and the best time you can be reached.



44 Messages

8 years ago

What kind of phone are we talking about? iPhone for example lets you examine what is using how much data...


When your phone can not use Wifi, it uses your cellular data instead... unless you have it switched into airplane mode.


This would include your emails... messages... updates... etc.



2 Messages

8 years ago

Thank you for responding.  It's an iPhone and when home or anywhere possible I use wifi to reduce data usage.  I have the ATT Go-Phone plan.



2 Messages

8 years ago

I have a iPhone also and I spoke to AT&T this morning about the data usage.... She told me to go to settings, cellular, scroll all the way down to the end to Wi-Fi Assist, turn it to off.... Just use the Wi-Fi and said this will take care of the problem with data. So will see later how that helps to keep me from getting charged for overages.

ACE - Sage


118.4K Messages

8 years ago



I hope they explained what wifi assist is and does.  It is an Apple feature that allows your phone to choose the best network connection for fast, seamless operation.  It is supposed to augment wifi, not replace it.  In some cases the wifi is just not as good as the cellular connection so a phone chooses cellular over wifi despite being connected to your home wifi.

If turning off wifi assist helps control data use, you may also notice slower phone performance, buffering, etc.  You might what to trouble shoot your home network.  





2 Messages

8 years ago

@lizdance40 No it wasn't explained to me like you did. Thank you for clearing this up. So tell me what keeps making my data usage to get so high? Within 2 or 3 days I was charged another $15.00 so now I owe $30.00 for going over my 2GB. Is there something I need to do or not do?

ACE - Sage


118.4K Messages

8 years ago

Happy to help.  Data use is a topic I've spent some time on.  Trial and error, data overages and plenty of problems with it myself in the past. 


Your iPhone keeps a record of data used.  Open settings, cellular usage and scroll down.  Each app has the amount of data used since the last reset.

Another little iPhone specific thing is you have to reset the data stats every billing period.  My android phone resets itself.  

Kb is the smallest unit, then MBs then GBs.  

Note the picture on the left shows stocks, tips and watch apps turned off.  This prevents those apps from using cellular data.  You can turn off iCloud and iTunes to prevent updates or backup over cellular.  

I left wifi assist on in the photo, but you should turn it off.

imessage also uses data, rather than the free unlimited SMS messages 





In some bizarre cases, a phone malfunctions and uses data beyond normal.  A full factory reset can fix it, but in some cases a phone has to be replaced under warranty.



1 Attachment



2 Messages

8 years ago

Thank you! 


I just got this new iphone and I was told my data plan was good to keep as I barely used 1/4 of it. Now, however,  I am getting charged $20.00 for overusage, when I have never used more than my plan in over 3 years! I went to 2 ATT stores and called in and no one could tell me what was causing me to increase my data usage.... Crazy!  I was so frustrated. One person did tell me if I turned off "location services", it would help... but it did not as I just got notified again that I was getting close to going over. 


I turned off a lot, based on your picture above and reset my usage count. I had no idea I needed to do this. It said the last time it was reset was in February, and I bought this phone in March..


Thank you for your post. I will watch now and see how things go.



ACE - Expert


16.5K Messages

8 years ago

I don't know how often WiFi assist kicks in, and I'm certain it varies per person, but since the last time I reset my iPhone counter:
I've used 24GB of cellular data.
19.6MB was WiFi assist. That is a pretty small percentage.


For comparison, during the same time period:
139 MB was Calandar.
12.2 MB was Contacts.
57.4 MB was Notes.


@lizdance40 Are we certain this is something that is still happening in current versions of iOS or it's something that happened when it first came out (maybe even in beta) and we're still talking about it??  I see you have it turned on and your usage appears to be nothing and the data goes back to October (I suppose that could be an old screen shot).

ACE - Sage


118.4K Messages

8 years ago



glad it helped.   I learned about data usage the hard way, I have teenagers.   If you need help once you have some numbers, please send me a private message, so I don't miss your questions.



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