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8 Messages

Thursday, August 25th, 2016 6:06 PM

Delete location data for my Go Phone

I'm looking for professional help from one of the ATT authorized employees. I'm a go phone customer for the past 3 years. I would like to delete all location history connected to my cell phone. Would appreciate any help with this. Reach out to me for specifics. 

ACE - Sage


118.4K Messages

8 years ago

Location history is not stored in the phone.  If you have a Google account associated with your phone, your location history is stored there.







8 Messages

8 years ago

You misunderstand, Im not concerned about what is stored in the phone. That can be very easily handled. Im concerned about what is stored on ATT servers based on cell phone towers. Please let me know if the question seemed ambiguous or equivocal. 


My question was more to the point of how I can delete my location history stored on ATT servers based on my network movements. There is an opt-out for ATT customers here http://www.att.com/cmpchoice but nothing for Go phone customers. Please help 



8 Messages

8 years ago

On second thoughts, I think the title was misleading. I've corrected that since. I also want to say that I really appreciate your help. 

ACE - Expert


13.2K Messages

8 years ago

No one can see the information about your whereabouts on the cell towers without a court order and AT&T cannot delete such information.

You can turn off location services on your phone.



8 Messages

8 years ago

You answer is satisfactory albeit uncomfortable. 

I have two follow up questions,

1) Would you know how long they keep this data?

2) How do I disable this? There is an opt-out for ATT customers here http://www.att.com/cmpchoice but nothing for Go phone customers

ACE - Expert


64.7K Messages

8 years ago

@kdfederer I don't believe turning off location services prevents the type of data being referred to. ATT has a record of each device connected to each cell tower which they will have whether the phone has location services enabled ot not. 



8 Messages

8 years ago

@sandblaster @kdfederer @lizdance40 I agree, hence my follow up questions. By the way, would you know their answers ?

ACE - Sage


118.4K Messages

8 years ago

I'm going to make a leap here and just say, you cannot prevent your carrier from locating your phone and you can't delete the past records.  E911 location services are built into all cell phones and cannot be disabled.

So if your employment involves burying the occasional  body in New Jersey, don't bring your cellphone with you.





8 Messages

8 years ago

@lizdance40 Ha ha ha ha ha, my inquiry is actually quite innocuous. There is a tenure associated with all consumer data like texts, call records etc but location information's tenure is not readily available. Furthermore, only location information can be accessed without a court order or warrant. Not only is it not covered under the fourth ammendment, the courts cite a 20 year old legislation "you've already disclosed it to a 3rd party i.e your service provider willingly, the authorities need not undergo a formal process to get that information"


This implies anyone could just walk to the nearest court and get location information without probable cause. I haven't tried it yet, but I have a list of people I could talk to my lawyer about. 


To your point, I agree that E911 services cannot be disabled. However its a more complex process called triangulation and it cannot be done retroactively.

I do not agree, tho, that ATT stores all data from forever. There is a tenure associated with this data. I would love to know what it is? Far as my research goes, this isnt clear yet.

ACE - Sage


118.4K Messages

8 years ago

Oh...I see.  A good fella Is one thing.  But a lawyer?   I may have to unfriend you.  Bwahahaha.

Just tell me you aren't a politician.   


Back to serious business, I don't know how long carriers save this data.  At some point it would be less useful (statute of limitations ?)

On a more serious note, cheaters everywhere just froze in fear.


I realize there are privacy concerns.  That ship has kinda sailed.  



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