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7 Messages

Thursday, June 28th, 2018 5:57 PM

Does ATT Stand Behind Their Commitments

Hello. I'm on with customer service for now the 4th time. My device errantly oversubscribed my monthly usage. I have been told by 3 diff agents, after they changed my current plan, that my monthly data usage would be reset with the plan changed. It seems, that my plans were changed, and my issue not solved. I'm now being told, there is nothing I can do, and I'm now stuck with a plan that I'd rather not have changed.


Will ATT stand up to their commitments and honor what the previous 3 CSRs promised?

ACE - Expert


14.4K Messages

6 years ago

@pwndbymabell wrote:

Hello. I'm on with customer service for now the 4th time. My device errantly oversubscribed my monthly usage.





I have been told by 3 diff agents, after they changed my current plan, that my monthly data usage would be reset with the plan changed.


What do you mean by "reset?" What plan did you have before? What plan did you change to? 





7 Messages

6 years ago

My device (Cellular Phone) errantly oversubscribed our cellular data use. We had the 25G plan. Due to wifi issues at office, my phone chewed through 25G in about 2 days. I've resolved the issue to prevent, but we are now left with cell service that is unusable. I was told switching to the 50G at same price would reset my current month's use. It didn't, and was told the next day, that wasn't true. But, if I switch to Unlimited choice, it would then reset current month's usage, so we switched my account to that. Today, I look and validate connection speeds, that too was incorrect. I then talked to someone, who said she could put me on a 15G plan, it would convert to 30G next month, and this would also reset current month's usage.....it apparently did not. She applied 15G with 10G overage, resulting in 25G limit, where I am again, throttled.....does that make more sense now?


So, I've been told on three different occasions that by switching plans, I could resolve my issue. In all three cases, that has turned out not to be the case. I'm on with a supervisor, who to no one's suprise, isn't able to assist in anything beyond what a standard CSR can do. So, my question is, does ATT stand up to the commits made by their CSRs? This isn't getting fixed, I'm wasting a ton of time, and yet, here we are....unresolved.

ACE - Expert


14.4K Messages

6 years ago

@pwndbymabell wrote:

My device (Cellular Phone) errantly oversubscribed our cellular data use. We had the 25G plan. Due to wifi issues at office, my phone chewed through 25G in about 2 days. I've resolved the issue to prevent, but we are now left with cell service that is unusable. I was told switching to the 50G at same price would reset my current month's use. It didn't, and was told the next day, that wasn't true. But, if I switch to Unlimited choice, it would then reset current month's usage, so we switched my account to that. Today, I look and validate connection speeds, that too was incorrect. I then talked to someone, who said she could put me on a 15G plan, it would convert to 30G next month, and this would also reset current month's usage.....it apparently did not. She applied 15G with 10G overage, resulting in 25G limit, where I am again, throttled.....does that make more sense now?


So, I've been told on three different occasions that by switching plans, I could resolve my issue. In all three cases, that has turned out not to be the case. I'm on with a supervisor, who to no one's suprise, isn't able to assist in anything beyond what a standard CSR can do. So, my question is, does ATT stand up to the commits made by their CSRs? This isn't getting fixed, I'm wasting a ton of time, and yet, here we are....unresolved.

The unlimited plan isn't throttled. It won't "reset" you data, but since it's unlimited, that doesn't really matter. The only thing that might happen is a reprioritization if the tower is congested. That happening is fairly rare, and definitely not all the time. 


If you switched to the 50GB plan, you shouldn't have been throttled until you hit the new, higher limit. 


If you were really being throttled in either instance, that was your issue, not a data "reset."



7 Messages

6 years ago

So, I should expect 256 Kbps as part of the standard service? Taking two different Apple X devices, one on one account, one on the other, hitting the same known IP target, mine gets ~256 Kbps, the other is reaching 300 Mbps? We confirmed routes are the same, latency is the same, and we validated this using two different network test applications. 


This, and customer service has confirmed that my service is still being throttled b/c changes won't take place until next billing cycle.  


So, I guess that is the answer to my question. ATT will not stand up to the commitments it's CSRs made. It will try and shift blame and tell me sorry for inconvenience.  

ACE - Expert


14.4K Messages

6 years ago

@pwndbymabell wrote:

So, I should expect 256 Kbps as part of the standard service? Taking two different Apple X devices, one on one account, one on the other, hitting the same known IP target, mine gets ~256 Kbps, the other is reaching 300 Mbps? We confirmed routes are the same, latency is the same, and we validated this using two different network test applications. 


This, and customer service has confirmed that my service is still being throttled b/c changes won't take place until next billing cycle.  


So, I guess that is the answer to my question. ATT will not stand up to the commitments it's CSRs made. It will try and shift blame and tell me sorry for inconvenience.  

Well, it can't change how its system is set up to throttle, no matter what a rep says. 


If they didn't make the plan change effective immediately or back date it, then it stands to reason it didn't change anything. 


Unfortunately, the unlimited plan available yesterday isn't available, but you can change to the new unlimited plan online and make it effective immediately. If that doesn't stop the throttling, call tech support. 

ACE - Sage


118.4K Messages

6 years ago


What do you think ‘oversubscribed’ means?  It means nothing here.

Do you mean you have a capped plan which you have completely consumed?   If so, changing to a larger plan would not ‘reset’ data.  It would add to your existing allowance. 

What commitment?   You either chose a larger capped plan or unlimited.  If they are working as designed there is nothing more to be done.  

If you reached the limit of your plan, and want more data, you need to start an increased plan immediately.  All you have to do is ask.

Unlimited may be reprioritized during times of congestion.  

Tiered plans are full speed until you reach the cap.




7 Messages

6 years ago

I've called tech support, three times now. They've changed in all cases. In all cases, they said it would reset current month's usage to the new rate. In all cases, this turned out not to be correct. Calling support is a waste of time it appears. You are told one thing, yet, nothing really changes...except it appears I may now be on a plan I really didn't want.



7 Messages

6 years ago



Apparently, just increasing doesn't go into effect until the next billing cycle, according to ATT customer service.


And sorry you don't understand what oversubscribed means. It means you had a limit, and it was exceeded. I don't mind taking responsiblity, but to have the service for 28 days, with no means of resolution is ridiculous, when you are paying ~$225 for cell service. 


In all cases, the agents said directly, this will solve your data being throttled. In all cases, this has not been the case. 

ACE - Expert


14.4K Messages

6 years ago

@pwndbymabell wrote:

I've called tech support, three times now. They've changed in all cases. In all cases, they said it would reset current month's usage to the new rate. In all cases, this turned out not to be correct. Calling support is a waste of time it appears. You are told one thing, yet, nothing really changes...except it appears I may now be on a plan I really didn't want.

Don't worry about calling support. Go online and change your plan yourself. Make it effective immediately. 

ACE - Sage


118.4K Messages

6 years ago


Oversubscribed has no meaning here.  

You simply used up your data plan.  Fully consumed.  Depleted.  Exhausted.  Finished.  Or ran out of data.  


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