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3 Messages

Wednesday, November 28th, 2018 1:42 PM

Good bye ATT...another 20+ year loyal customer gone

One upon a time...10 years or so ago,  my wife's brand new phone was stolen and we had just locked in for another 2 year contract. We went to Best Buy were we had purchased and activated to see about a replacement and/or anything they could do. The lady at Best Buy called their ATT regional rep and he asked how long we had been with ATT and I said since the days of Cell One through Cingular and now ATT, so probably 12 plus years. He said "give them new phone, I'll authorize the free replacement". Now that was customer loyalty and service at it's best! Ten years later and your lucky if you can get through to a customer service agent, and pray that you can understand them, let alone fix whatever issue you have.

Don't get me wrong, the ATT service and network as been wonderful and is the best in my opinion. But with customer service at it's lowest and being that there are no discounts to loyal customer on phones or services, there is no incentive to stay with ATT.  I'm not even asking to get a free phone, though that would be nice gesture considering I have 4 lines have for many two decades. Just offering a discount on one or two, without the need to add more lines or services.

Before deciding to cancel, I made several attempts and several hours of wasted time trying to get to the mysterious "Customer Loyalty" department " before getting the most noisy call center I have ever heard, with people in the back ground laughing and cursing to the point I thought it wasn't really ATT....sounded more like a prison yard. The guy tried to convince me that the had a really special deal for loyal customers on the iPhone XR for several hundred off and I could get it for 749.00. I told him that was the regular price, and he argued and said it was 1400.00 phone and being discounted to 749.00. I continued to question and struggle to understand when he finally disconnected me as he murmured it the phone. 

So to my regret and your lose, I say good bye ATT as I enter Switcheroo Game.


{keep it courteous}

ACE - Expert


64.7K Messages

6 years ago

You won’t get flamed by anyone. There is no reason to be loyal to any carrier. You should select your carrier based on who provides the service and coverage you need where you need it at a price you are willing to pay. If your new carrier does that, great move...but you did say you had great coverage with ATT. Will you really be happy with your new carrier if their service does not work for you?

ACE - Expert


14.4K Messages

6 years ago

@jeffworn wrote:


Don't get me wrong, the ATT service and network as been wonderful and is the best in my opinion... there is no incentive to stay with ATT. 

Sounds like you have a great incentive to stay with AT&T. 



3.2K Messages

6 years ago

This is a user-to-user forum with minimal moderation from AT&T. No one here cares whether you switched carriers, and if you're happy with your new phones and service, I don't know why you bothered to write a long post on your old carrier's forum.

ACE - Sage


118.4K Messages

6 years ago

What you are experiencing is the new wireless business model all carriers are using.  Why you think ATT has done you dirty I can’t imagine.   They allow me to keep a 5 year old plan which provides more than I need service wise, at a price lower than other carriers and even their current plans.  

FYI, with phone prices shooting over $1,000 you are not going to get a free damage replacement.  Ten years ago phones were how they tied you to a 2 year contract.  Now we can bring our own phones or pay off phones.  I have been paying for service only for 5 years.  




3 Messages

6 years ago

you cared enough to read and respond...lol




3.2K Messages

6 years ago

Reading and responding isn't the same as caring. I do get some amusement out of people who think announcing their disconnecting from AT&T is some sort of mortal wound to the company. AT&T has millions of customers so even losing five lines is like taking a drop of water out of the Atlantic ocean. As for the rest of us customers, people like @sandblaster will say openly in this forum that if you're not happy with your carrier, you should leave. We're not employees so your switching carriers means about as much to us as my announcing that I'm switching from Boost Mobile to Cricket means to you.

ACE - Sage


118.4K Messages

6 years ago

Yeah, just post after 2 months and give an update on price and coverage quality.  Then in 2 years when you want new phones again.  🙄.  




3 Messages

6 years ago

But again...wasting time out of your day to read and respond for someone that does not care. I'm amused by how many of you seem to spend hours on this forum mainly ridiculing people with your comments like "read your contract", "you should have checked the coverage map" , " Not ATT fault"  etc etc. Seems pretty fishy to me. You may not be "ATT Employees" but getting some kind of kickback to say the things that ATT won't say out loud.




3.2K Messages

6 years ago

You may not be "ATT Employees" but getting some kind of kickback to say the things that ATT won't say out loud.

I don't get paid by AT&T, but I should for the free entertainment. I worked in customer service for several phone companies, and I get to say the things here that I wished I could tell customers, like "You want to switch companies? Be my guest. I don't care and neither does the company I work for." Very satisfying.

ACE - Sage


118.4K Messages

6 years ago

Geesh, some people spend their time on Facebook or car forums.  I’m a cell phone geek.  Also semi retired.  

I have a phone on ATT and one on Verizon. Each carrier has its + and - ultimately they are ‘same stuff, different day’ as all carrier operate roughly the same way.  Att doesn’t pay us or rank us.  


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