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2 Messages

Monday, March 24th, 2014 4:39 PM

Horrible Customer service Today

I called in this morning because I woke up to my phone line being disconnected.

Last Thursday I had set up, what I had thought to be an automatic payment, as I've done this in the past it's easier for me to control my finances when I do this.

When I called into your customer service center this morning to resolve this and hopefully not get charged an extra $40 for a miscommunication I was told that It was my fault for not understanding that I did not sign up for an automatic debit and that this was not a miscommunication.

The first representative I spoke to couldn't really assist me so I asked to speak with a manager hoping that they would understand it was a miscommunication when I called in to arrange a payment and that it had not been set up the way I thought it had been. I then got on the phone with the manager, she said her name was Rosie ***, she went on to say that it was not a miscommunication but that it was my fault and there was nothing that could be done, I would get charged the fee. I tried to explain to her that I have arranged for automatic payments in the past and that when I called on Thursday that I thought I had just made another arrangement like I had done in the past. Rosie went on to say I had not, but I had arranged to call back in on the set days and I would pay. If I had known that on Thursday when I arranged for automatic payments to come out I would have corrected it, I don’t have time to remember to call in, I would much rather it just be automatically debited. 

I was offended that the manger of your customer service team didn't have any empathy or understanding that I had just thought I did one thing, and mistakenly arranged for something else. I am also disgusted that you have a person managing a team of customer service representatives that would flat out tell the customer they are wrong. You should have your management and Rosie Quintero take a refresher course in customer service.


All I was hoping to accomplish was speaking to someone that would understand that it was a miscommunication for what I had done and what I thought I was doing, and that someone would understand and that I wouldn’t get an extra fee. I ended up having to pay my bill in full instead of half and half which puts me in a hard spot. I wish you guys would be more understanding. 


[Personal content removed.]

Former Employee


4.9K Messages

10 years ago

Hello, EWelter!


Thanks for posting. I'm so sorry to hear about your recent experience. We would be happy to review your account and find an acceptable resolution, so please click here to send us a private message.


In your message, please provide your name, phone number, email address, and the best time to reach you. You can expect a reply within two business days, so keep an eye on the little blue envelope icon in the top right corner of your screen.


In the meantime, feel free to message me with any other questions or concerns.





2 Messages

10 years ago

I had the same experience with AT&T Customer Service. However this is actually the second time I had had this issue with AT&T Customer service call centers. The first time my brother had recently passed away within the same week I had called AT&T, I explained that I would like a change part of my service as well as to make a payment , and instead of the service change, my service had been disconnected entirely. Note at this time losing phone service was not an option. I called AT&T call center from my Lan phone and had inquired about why my service had been turned off, the customer service rep. stated that I had requested the shut off, I explained to her, that I had requested a change in part of my service and had stated " Why would I shut off my service if I had made a payment the same day, and that my request was a change in part of my service, not a disconnection." She stated, PER THE NOTES I would need the reconnection fee to be paid on my 5 phones, due to me requesting for a disconnection of service. I once again explained it was not a request I had made and that the customer service obviously miscommunicated the conversation and had made WRONG notes. She stated there is nothing she could do for me until I paid for the reconnection fees and that she would make a NOTE again in the system as to our conversation so that other Representatives would continue her instructions. It took me a WEEK , and a lot of conversations with over 8 reps. which ALL stated per the NOTES ( wrong ones at that) they would need reconnection fees. I stated to each representative the customers are truly at the mercy of ATT&T representatives to make correct notes, so who can we contact to make sure Customers complaints are being heard and the correct notes are being made? I stated you record the phone calls don't you? Isn't there a way we can get a hold of the conversation recording, so that it shows proof of what had been stated? The representative stated, We do record conversations however they are recorded at random and used for training purposes only, it is not for your safe guarding. Finally I spoke to a representative that actually heard me and did look over the notes, and she stated it is clear it had been a miscommunication and a complete embarrassment on AT&T's part, she had turned all 5 of my phones back on, gave me the Customer Care information in ATWATER, CA Address and stated we would have to write in. No number to Head quarters is available. She also gave us a discount of $10 on our bill for the next year.

Now, the second time it has happened which is today, We had called in on Thursday and made arrangements for our past due amount of $291. the representative Pressa stated she needed to secure $150. of the $291..44 for NO service interruptions. We stated we needed to speak with a Supervisor, she then stated , " My Supervisor is with another customer, and that I would have to deal with her." I stated, I had a problem in the past with AT&T call center and that I would like to speak to a manager to confirm arrangements. Pressa then stated in a rude tone, " HOLD, you have to wait for 10 minutes." Little did she know she forgot to put me on hold and I had heard her and the other Reps conversation, she stated we still needed to pay no matter what the Sup. says and on and on. Finally a Supervisor Jean gets on the phone, I explain the situation she says we needed to pay the $150. to secure the arrangement s and that I still had a balance of $131.44 due for April." I stated I would like to make the $150. payment, and the remaining $131.44 will be paid in 7 days on the 23rd of May. I explained to her that we will be current and our next bill will be due on Friday, and that I would call AT&T to take care of the remaining balance on the 23rd of May, which is only 7 days out. She stated everything will be secure and reiterated that we need to call in on Friday to request for the current amount to be extended for 7 days. We agreed, hung up the phone. Come Saturday morning. Phones were SUSPENDED, and we called in once again, spoke with numerous AT&T representatives, first rep. we did not get here name, my husband requested to speak to a Supervisor right off, Supervisor Thomas, came on to the line. We once again explained the issue, once again the shpill, " Due to the NOTES'. We again explained about correct NOTES, miscommunication, once again, he stated, " That is not what is in the NOTES, we would need the $131.44 now to unsuspend the account." at this time my husband handed me the phone, I requested to speak to his Supervisor he stated I apologize, hold please, I will get my Supervisor." Supervisor Ms.Ashton from North Texas got on the line, she stated she needed $131.44 to turn on phones. No communication, but that. I already knew at this time I was NOT being heard or customer service and care was not occurring once again. I asked Ms.Ashton, if she could please note our account of our conversation regarding the $131.44. She stated "I will note your account of our conversation." I stated have a nice day Ms.Ashton" , and hung up the phone. My husband called in to AT&T rep Chrystal. to make the $131.44 payment. When he called and stated he was calling to make the $131.44 payment, the rep. stated your account is $470. He explained to her what the conversations we had just had with Ms.Ashton and she stated that is NOT what is in the NOTES. We tried to speak to numerous reps. Lorena and Christin, which all stated. PER THE NOTES.... at this time we do not have our services. We honestly do not know what else to do. Anyone please help.


[Legal discussions are not permitted per the Guidelines]

[edited for privacy-please do not post personal information such as full names or ID numbers]



1 Message

10 years ago

I also had a horrible experience with customer service at a local store when I indicated to them on each of my 4 visits that I was unable to get service in the building where I work.  

In order to get ATT service, I have to go up 2 stories or go outside of the building. 


The area coverage is good but it is a question of the building - This is what I was told on each of the 4 visits:


1. 'there is nothing we can do for you as you are locked into a 2 year commitment'

2. 'this is not an ATT issue and therefore just go outside to make your calls ...'

3. 'this is a building problem and not ATT's and therefore we cannot help you"

4. 'get another office in the building where you have access to ATT service'


I have tried to get help from online/phone customer service and to date they have been very  helpful, however, not successful in helping me with getting service in my office.  The booster device will not work because it is a restricted network. 


During my last, 4th visit, frustrated with the salesperson's suggestion in finding a new office,  I informed him that I was considering in switching to another carrier with 'wifi calling', because I had no use for the program I have now. In regards to wifi calling , he did not know what I was talking about and in a very loud and inappropriate tone told me that i would have to 'pay a big fine'....'you mean a contractual cancellation fee, not necessarily a fine' ... and I left the store.

By the way the manager was there chatting with an ATT salesperson.


Pls help need to get a formal complaint rolling where do i find the forms?




3 Messages

9 years ago

I spoke with someone name Rosie as well  a Manager in collections, I am writing corporate now!

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