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2 Messages

Friday, October 23rd, 2015 10:07 PM

Insurance Deductibles Never Specified

Hey, anyone else get caught with the high insurance plan deductibles off guard? I had to get two phones replaced on my plan. The first deductible was $100.00, but then I was told because we had to replace another device within 6 months, we would have to pay $199.00 for the second device. Ouch! I wasn't expecting another $300.00 tacked onto my bill this month. That really sucks. When we added the insurance to our plan, we were never told about the deductible process and how it worked. I just figured it worked like it always did before. And ATT isn't taking responsibility for this since it is a contracted insurance plan and not them. I'm really not happy with the way this came back to bite me. 

ACE - Expert


13.2K Messages

9 years ago

When you added the insurance to your lines, you should have received the insurance pamphlet. It spells out the deductibles. Did you read the pamphlet or ask questions? Did you look online about the insurance? There is information everywhere, but it is cheaper than having to pay full retail for the replacement phone which could be $450 - $750 EACH.



3.2K Messages

9 years ago

Within a few weeks of signing up for insurance, I received a brochure (still have it) explaining the deductibles. The $100 deductible must have been on a cheaper phone or insurance over 12 months old (declining deductible), while the $199 deductible was on a flagship phone.



ACE - Sage


118.4K Messages

9 years ago

I can't think of any insurance that doesn't have a deductable.  And it isn't new, it just has risen with the higher cost of phones.


I don't use insurance.  I use cases and screen guards and buy our phones at full cost.  No contracts, subsidies or Next financing.

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