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1 Message

Sunday, July 6th, 2014 6:18 PM

MicroCell SUCKS

Yesterday none of our mobile phones would work in our house.  We have lived here for 13 years and never had this issue.  We have had poor connection, dropped calls, and even got a FREE microcell 4 years ago because we are in a bad section.  We live in HOUSTON, TX -- not in an obscure place.  Anyway, we have never had the issue we had yesterday -- our phones kept going from no service, to searching, to some bars.  Even when we had 4 bars, we would quickly try to make a call and ZERO calls went through.  I called customer service 3 TIMES.  NO ONE could tell me what the problem was or when it would be fixed.  REALLY?!?!?  I finally got to someone who would waive my early termination fees so we could change to Verizon.  I am so sick of their poor service -- even my Internet is slow (I will have to address that on Monday).  So this morning, I unplugged my stupid MCell, dropped it on the floor and plugged it back it.  Oh -- now it works!  The customer service people were nice, but they read scripts.  I was SO SICK of their placations -- "I understand your frustration...."  NO THEY DON'T.  I have 2 sons on the road during this 4th of July weekend and an 82 year old mother travelling by herself.  I NEED my phones to work.  I finally told the 4th person I talked to ( a manger) to STOP telling me that.  AWFUL service, poor communication between departments -- I was told that a case number had been issued which meant that some "people" would be working on my problem, but no one could talk to these mysterious people to even get an idea on what was going on.  The NSA can record every word we speak and type, but ATT cannot find out what was going on with my phone.


By the end of this year, all my ATT stuff -- phones, U-verse, Internet and moblile will be switched to another company. 

Former Employee


4.9K Messages

10 years ago

Hello, Protist203!


Thanks for posting. I'm so sorry to hear about your recent MicroCell issues. We would certainly hate to see you go, so if there's anything else we can do, please let us know by clicking here to send us a private message.


In your message, please provide your name, phone number, email address, and the best time to reach you. You can expect a reply within two business days, so keep an eye on the little blue envelope icon in the top right corner of your screen.


In the meantime, feel free to message me with any other questions or concerns.





1 Message

8 years ago

I am having the same problem. All the same scripted reponses from 10 different people, reset your Mcell, reset your phone, reset your router, reset your computer, blah blah blah. Then they said is the cable ISP's issue. I call them and they its ATT's issue. I go to the ATT store and they say it's a tech support issue. Nobody wants to help so I'm dumping all my ATT phones at the end of the month. ATT Microcell is crap. Total waste of money.



1 Message

8 years ago

Yeah your micro cell sucks att. Stops working for no reason randomly, is cantankerous and blows in general. My phone connects well sometimes, poorly others and stops working at free random. You had at onetime the most brilliant people in the world at your disposal on staff, can't you make a simple device that just works and doesn't SUCK SO MUCH!!!!



3.5K Messages

8 years ago

MicroCell is 99% the internet connection it is attached to. Port forwarding, IPSec tunnelling, fragmented packets being rejected. It's all in the networking. AT&T cannot troubleshoot someone's internet connection and ISPs are not interested in providing support for anything beyond "can you browse the web?" Some ISPs won't even allow port forwarding.


Downstream and upstream need to by nearly symmetrical and we all know that's not how wired home internet is from most ISPs. Latency spikes cause issues as well. If your connection's ping moves into a range that is too high, it may cause disconnects.


First things first when it comes to MCell:




Need to make sure jitter is acceptable. Next would be to test the raw uplink speeds:




Also make sure correct ports are open and forwarded:






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