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3 Messages

Sunday, January 11th, 2015 1:13 PM

Next limit family plan

Is there any way to get more than 4 next lines on a mobile share plan?

What happens if you have 4 and someone else with an individual next plan wants to join your mobile share?

If you have 4 and do a transfer of service for one line to move them to an individual account, can you add one more to the family plan?

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4.1K Messages

9 years ago

@meyerovb wrote:
Is there any way to get more than 4 next lines on a mobile share plan?

What happens if you have 4 and someone else with an individual next plan wants to join your mobile share?

If you have 4 and do a transfer of service for one line to move them to an individual account, can you add one more to the family plan?

Well,  you may not like this answer, but it is the one to your questions...


If you have an account with a phone purchase under NEXT, the NEXT agreement must be paid in full in order to transfer the account to a new billing responsibility.  This means if you want to move one of your lines with a NEXT agreement to a new account, that NEXT agreement would need to be paid in full before teh lne can be moved.  Similarly, if you want to make a line with a NEXT agreement to your account, they would need to pay their agreement in full before they could move to your account.


As of right now, AT&T has limited individual/family accounts to only 4 NEXT agreements (even though the account can have up to 10 devices).  I have heard rumors that AT&T is working to "improve" their NEXT agreements this year (possibly allowing more lines on an account, or possibly allowing purchases with interest for those who don't meet the current NEXT qualifications), AT&T has not stated anything publicly.  The only thing we can do for now is accept what we have, and hope they decide to "improve" things, or we can choose to move on to another carrier...

ACE - Sage


118.4K Messages

9 years ago

The rumor has been going around that they will raise the limit to 5 either late January or early February.
It is still only a rumor.

It might be possible to do a transfer of billing responsibility, and move one line out and another in. That would be up to AT&T and the ability of the line moving out to pay. (Credit rating)
You also have the option to pay off a phone with the lowest balance.

ACE - Expert


64.7K Messages

9 years ago

Next and mobile share are not the same thing. You can have up to 10 lines on your mobile share plan. Next is the plan for buying a phone and though I'm not sure what it is, there is a limit on the number of lines you can have on Next.

ACE - Sage


118.4K Messages

9 years ago


Current limit is 4 Next phones on a mobile share plan.



3 Messages

9 years ago

I was promised it would change to 10 lines on December 12... They delayed with no explanation or details, guess I'll have to switch carriers, all other upgrade options are terrible .So much for being an att customer for 10 years.

ACE - Expert


23.9K Messages

9 years ago

there is no way att is going to allow 10 next contracts on one account.  I can see 5 or 6 maybe.  That is a lot of money hanging out there even at 6



1 Message

9 years ago

AT&T lost my business on a personal basis but I also helped switched my company to T-Mobile because of things like this (Not the only reason but part of it).  When they blasted the cost of the 2-year contract phones to a astonishing $40 a month just to add a phone that lost me completely.  I wouldn't care about paying the $499 for a top of the line phone but to also pay $40 a month, it's one or the other but I say no to both.  I'm back on my 4S at this point and have no intention of supporting a practice like that unless they change.

ACE - Expert


23.9K Messages

9 years ago

well if you pay full price for a device its 15 a month not 40.  If you go with a 2 year contract I think its fair for att to get the money back for the phone.  They did it that way for years now you just see it because of how MSV is done.

ACE - Sage


118.4K Messages

9 years ago


All carriers require you to pay for your phone, one way or another.

They did not "blast the cost of the 2-year contract phones to a astonishing $40 a month ", the line fee is STILL $40 a month and it has been that way for DECADES. What they did a year ago is DISCOUNT line fees for accounts that were out of contract (phone was paid off). Read your bill.

Why the limit? Since they are extending an interest free loan, they have the right to limit how many loans they make on an account. It is a practice that is only a bit more than a year old. Other carriers are copying it. If it is successful, they may extend the limits, or not.

I hope your company only does business in metropolitan areas.
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