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4 Messages

Monday, June 24th, 2024 1:20 PM

Phones misrepresented price

My son is on disability. His girlfriend lost her job she had the phones put in his name. They told him it was cheaper to have two extra phones. Which are still in the box. He was mislead all the way. It was suppose to be around two hundred and turned out to be three. Disability does not pay enough for this. He wants to return the phones and stop service. He has had the for over a year

Accepted Solution

ACE - Master


11K Messages

4 days ago

The phones cannot be returned after 14 days.  Since the account is in his name, he’s still responsible for paying them off.  Not sure how someone got mislead into buying two extra phones that weren’t needed and are still in the box, but whatever.  I would say you could try selling them to recoup some of the money, but they may not be able to be activated on any other account than the one they are financed on.  Sounds like best option is for girlfriend to get a new job so she can pay the bills.  AT&T doesn’t have a sympathy policy that lets people out of their obligations when things happen.

Former Employee


2.8K Messages

4 days ago

As stated above he had 14 days to return the phones. 

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