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Need help understanding your bill?
Roger_review77's profile

7 Messages

Tuesday, June 18th, 2024 6:59 PM


Absolute worse customer service. On the phone with them for almost 4 hours.   They finally identified that I have been overcharged since January.  They credited over $300 back to my account but wouldn’t  reconnect my phone

stating that they can’t reconnect until the overdue balance is based.   Common sense will tell you that if it wasn’t for the overcharges , I wouldn’t have an overdue balance which ultimately means my phone would’ve never been

disconnected. These reps are so condescending and entitled as if they’re the owners of the company.  It’s a disgrace and I will be sending a letter to corporate.  Then an email.  Then another review that speaks on sequence of events.  I have 2 iPhone 15 pro max and 2 watches. Clearly I’m not trying to get over or be cheap. How can AT&T admit their wrong by crediting the money back to my account but make the excuse that the full amount needs to be paid before reconnecting? My line should not have been turned off or at best , given a payment arrangement.  Oh it gets better, before I noticed the overcharges I set up a payment arrangement and was unable to make the payment. Something triggered in my head to log in from my desktop and go back a few months to see why my bill was consistently off. Their excuse for not reconnecting is bc after the credits there's still a balance.  But the logical thing to do is recognize the sequence of events. Cause and effect.  But obviously the only thing AT&T is concerned about is taking money.  The new bill is now 4 days late.  The amount credited is more than what the payment arrangement amount.  Clearly they need to reconnect me, waive the reconnection fee and/or set up a "new" payment arrangement.    Stay away people.  If you can't speak to someone who has common sense, respects that you're a paying customer and do the right thing, it's not worth your hard earned money.  Seek another provider at all cost.

ACE - Expert


16.5K Messages

14 days ago

  • Is the $300 the amount you feel they owed?  
  • Can't you pay the part you owe?  
  • Or is it just the late fee that you're concerned about?

7 Messages

14 days ago

They overcharged me for several months.  That’s on me for not paying attention.  I fell behind and set up a payment arrangement.  I was unable to honor that so my phone was suspended.  Something told me to check previous billing statements and that’s when I noticed.  I called them and the corrected over $300.  I’m grateful that they honored that part.  My issue is , I was paying well over what I should’ve every month since January so cut me some slack and turn my phone back or set up a new payment arrangement.  They did neither stating that I still have an overdue balance.  I’m scratching my head in disbelief that they’re crediting back the funds but won’t hold themselves accountable for being the reason I feel behind in the first place. I wouldn’t have needed a payment arrangement nor would I have had such a huge bill.  So do the right thing and reconnect me , or set up payment arrangement and waive reconnection fee.  There’s no fault of my own and they basically said “ F off”. Pay it or your phone will remain suspended.  

ACE - Expert


14.4K Messages

14 days ago

Come on now. You got behind on your bill and missed a promised to pay. That's why your service was suspended--you didn't pay the bill. 

You can't claim "no fault of your own" just a few sentences after you tell us what really happened. 

Unless the $300 credit is enough to bring you down to a zero balance, AT&T is doing nothing wrong. 

The new bill is now 4 days late.

Again? You need to find a less expensive plan or switch to prepaid. Clearly, you aren't able to maintain the service you have--and there's nothing wrong with that--but you need to do something or go through this over and over, whether it's with AT&T or another provider.

7 Messages

14 days ago

The fact remains that I was overcharged since January.  It has nothing to do with my plan. It’s being over billed bc someone isn’t doing their job correctly.  I was on auto pay.  My plan is $169/mo.  Not $468 or $534 etc.  I would not have needed a payment arrangement or had a passed due.  They should’ve turned my phone back on. Your opinion is irrelevant 

Former Employee


2.8K Messages

14 days ago

Not how any of this works. You didn’t pay your bill when it was due, then made a payment arrangement, they let you keep service with that arrangement…..THEN you FAILED to actually pay them for services rendered and now want ANOTHER chance. They’re not a charity they are a business. Autopay is not an excuse for anything. Per the TOS you agreed to  you have a certain amount of time to dispute billed charges which is probably why you were given the $300 credit. You want your service back on you need to bring the account to a zero balance. Like suggested you should change to something more affordable since your unable to pay on time and it seems have no other means to pay like credit card/friend/family. 

7 Messages

14 days ago

Did you utter the word "charity"...   I'm not a charity either.  It's called "sequence of events"...    and if I wouldn't have noticed "which I graciously noted that I should've sooner".....  the bill would still been upwards of $500/mo...   my original plan with the promotion is $169/mo.  Your assumptions are based on me not going into every detail bc I didn't think I needed to.  Who wants to get over charged  simply from being on auto pay.  The payment arrangement would not have been needed with the "correct" bill being part of my budget.   Get that part right if you want to voice your opinion and give advice.   The credit was given once they calculated the charges. There's no "probably"

So I've been paying way more each month than I should have. My (Edited per community guidelines) just kept paying it.  Convo over. I know they are wrong and they would've kept on over charging me if I didn't catch it.  Saying "it's not the way it works" as if that makes it right on their end is white noise to me. My fumble for not catching it sooner.  Now AT&T is trying to make things right now that I've complained. Go figure. Pretty pathetic that it takes a complaint to do the right thing. 


ACE - Expert


32.5K Messages

14 days ago

You pay the bill in full as shown. Any dispute you may have doesn't put a hold on any part of the balance. If AT&T credits the bill or reverses a charge, that shows on a following bill. Until that happens all charges listed are valid and required to be paid to keep service on. Once service is suspended then paying entire balance is required to restore service, again regardless of any dispute you may have.

Autopay is not to cause overcharging. It is a convenience to ensure bill is paid on time. It does not remove one's personal financial responsibility from reviewing the bills. Any like other companies, AT&T requires their customers to notify them in a reasonable time if their is a concern on billing.

ACE - Expert


14.4K Messages

13 days ago

 the bill would still been upwards of $500/mo...   my original plan with the promotion is $169/mo.  

What would cause your bill to be $300+ more than it’s supposed to be? And how did you not notice that?



33 Messages

13 days ago

call customer care again and let them create a dispute case for you. collections can restore your line if you have a pending case just make sure that rep stays on the call with collections. if you are being overcharged make sure u get someone to go through ur bill with you so you can get what you are owed. Sorry about your experience.                                                                    

7 Messages

13 days ago

Thanks everyone.....  it has been resolved.  Unfortunately it took 5 days to get it done.  To answer everyone who thinks or assumes that ATT&T was not at fault.... it was a promo, I did notice it and called them, they explained that the "first" bill is usually high.  I trusted their words.  I did not check the following months and every bill was $400-$600.   'the point of auto pay in my life is to not fall behind. I should've checked it but I didn't .. My fumble..  But it does not exonerate them from doing it.  It's the store employees trying to make a sale and nobody is on the same page no matter who you talk to. It's a sad business and if it were my choice I would go back to Nextel walkie talkie....  All of the phone carriers are shady. You get punished fast for any missed payment, but when they make mistakes, it's never 100% accountability.  Everyone deflects, transfer to diff departments and/or transfer you to another rep who isn't a supervisor. I've experienced it alot and something needs to be done about it for all customers... not just me.

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