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38 Messages

Tuesday, August 9th, 2016 7:33 PM

Stealing, They recognize it, don't fix it and they steal some more!!!

I walk to ATT store for Christmas just browsing. Get offered a great deal. I asked 10 times for it in writing, but I was assured everybody knew of the deal and I was speaking with the manager and one of the sales men, and both sold me and assured me of the validity to the poitn that they  allowed me to record the conversation and agreed to sign my notes of what he was offereing. 


So I buy 2 phones, get one free, turn in our 3 used phones, join our uverse with phone bill, port  2 lines and an ipad, and I am assured that this will give me one free iphone, and $1400 in credits. 

600  for 3 phones, 200 per phone turned in according to machine that verified them, 

200 to port 2 phone lines

100 to por the ipad line

400  - for unifying with uverse bill 2 phones

100  for unifying the ipad


1400   signed by the East Cobb Att Store 40268  Store Manager  Lelerc.

I also have it recorded on my ipad, 

because he did not have anything in writing to give me, other than to promise it was AT&T I was dealing with.  


All good until att gives us 1200 credit and then takes back 600!!  takes back 600 with nor expalnation whatsoever.  We find one day that we owe 400+ to At&t when we get a surprise bill.   We owe them money because they took back $600 of the promised credit.  Every person on the phone says the dumbest things- like maybe the store manager made a mistake,  or take it up with store manager, or tough at no point did we have so many promotios.  Or did you get in writing?  I DID!!!! But nobody cares.  So they finally open 2 cases and nobody ever calls me or fixes anything!!!   

So I call again and and I am offered a discount on my service since they can't help with the other, but might be able to pacify me with a discount.    I don't want it!! But they give it to me anyway, and it was not a discount,  my bill went up and they UPGRADED ME TO A HIGHER PRICE!!!!!! OUTRAGEOUS!!!!  SO I call when I find out, and they offer me another pacifying deal, they can't explain what the other agent did, but they offer me a good deal for a year since I am such a long time client with such good standing.   and I record the coversation on my idad,  and the agent notes it in the notes.  AND THE PRICE still up, not down, my bill all the same,   So I call, SHE DID NOT DO IT>  I have an upgrade in uverse I did not want, they can't seem to take that back, so I am being charged more, and the discount that she wrote in my record, and I recorde on my ipad, is now not something I can have according to new agent.  OH MY GOD!    And the girl tells me tough tough tough there is nothing ANYBODY can do about it.  She apologizes for the past because she can see the errors BUT we need to move forward, and not look back.  forgive and forget.  This is stealing!   They even admit it, but they can't fix it.   Nobody had the power to honor their deals.  They blame the other agents.  THEY ARE ALL ATT.  When I deal with ATT agent, I deal with ATT.       ENFURIATING!   HELP!!!!!!  I have it writing, you have it writing.  What else do you need?   



now I don't even have my old phones to get out of the deal  without this costing me an arm and a leg.   


I'd be happy to get out all together of all service.  Give my 3 phones  and I am out since you won't honor your part.  There was no other way I would have agreed to buy the phones and sign up except for the super deal.  But it was a lie?   You lie?  You can ruin my credit if I don't pay, but what can I do to you if you steal from me?   I call but your agents have no power to even honor the deals they make with me.  Call me if you have any power to help me! 


ACE - Sage


118.4K Messages

8 years ago


There has never been an offer of any amount for porting a tablet line, that $200 was bogus.  

Your iPad would work on ATT, which is why they won't offer anything.

The switch offer and the offer for combined billing were not in the same month.  So that $400 was also not valid.  


The switch offer covers your ETF/Edge/device payments on your phones only, which is why you must turn them in.

The offer is only to break even on phones, it doesn't pay off service or taxes.


In the end you should have one free phone up to $650 in monthly credits for 30 months and the payments on your phones paid off with trade in allowance and reimbursement. And $10 a month credit for combined billing.








2 Attachments



629 Messages

8 years ago



  I hate to say it, but, the only promotions the company has any real ability to enact are the ones that are, either; detailed online, or printed up and posted in their corporate stores.  All of the offers you mentioned that were made by store sales reps are, in many cases, one time deals.  It's a real take it or leave it situation.  You have fairly significant leverage in that you've recorded the verbal offers, and there are, according to what you mentioned, notes on your account of these verbal offers that were made.  In these types of situations, when I was a rep., we had to try everything we could to honor whatever was promised to the customer in the notes.  In light of this information, and the fact that it seems as if the traditional customer service avenues are not being very cooperative in putting the notated promotions into effect, I would go ahead and send a private message to @ATTMobilityCare with your name, account/primary phone number, details of your exact situation as outlined in your post, details of your desired resolution as outlined in your post, a good contact number and time to reach you.  These folks have an excellent track record of fully resolving issues that the traditional customer service avenues cannot.  However, I must caution you that; even though these folks have more leverage, there's a good possibility they'll only be able to act upon the offers that were notated in your account, not the verbal ones you were given, even though you have those recorded.  I'm really hoping they'll be able to work some serious magic and get all of it set up for you, but, I'm also advising a heavy amount of cautious optimism about the situation.  



38 Messages

8 years ago

Thank you for your thoughts. I wish i had never trusted them. I will send an email there and update this post. I might also send an email to all news stations if this is not resolved honestly. I have been given the run around since april. Time after time after time.

ACE - Sage


118.4K Messages

8 years ago

Which store was this?  And why do you mention Cobb, which is Georgia, but give Kentucky zip code?



Community Support


15.2K Messages

8 years ago

Hi @meme11!


On the behalf of AT&T, I want to begin by apologizing profusely for the stress that this has been causing you since Christmas! This is definitely not something I want any of our customers going through and I would like the opportunity to look into this further with you to see what we can do to resolve this matter!



Do you recall any of the employees’ names or the manager’s name that you worked with in the store? Have you spoken with them since the agreement was made back in December?


Any material you have will be great and help us research this with you. If you haven’t had the chance to send us a private message, no need to worry. I will be reaching out to you through a private message to collect a bit more information. I will need your full name along with a phone number and the best time to reach you, you can send that back to me through the private message correspondence.


I look forward to hearing back from you!


Kevin, AT&T Community Specialist



38 Messages

8 years ago

that is the store number. next to trader joes .   this was not an authorized dealer, but an at&t store



38 Messages

8 years ago

Well that would be good education for the agent that offered me this.  I got the credit on my account the very first month.  3 months later they took 600 back.  He offered it, and it appeared on my account immediatly.  Then months later taken back.  If it was a mistake it was not my mistake.  I am not supposed to be the expert on their deals.  they are.   



38 Messages

8 years ago

Hi Kevin,


I appreciate your interest in resolving this for me.   That would be greatly appreciated!  I sent you all my information two days ago when you said you would call me shortly if I sent you my info. I have sent you more and more info.  I am sitting by the phone waiting for your call.  Will it really be shortly?  





38 Messages

8 years ago

My bill is due today.  And it higher than it should be and you still owe me 600.  So today would be a good day to fix this before I have to pay again an amount I don't owe.  Because not paying give you the power to ruin my credit and take away the payment for the free phone you make if I pay on time.   Really between a rock and a hard place with AT&T.

ACE - Sage


118.4K Messages

8 years ago

No matter what, you have to pay your bill on time.


You should assume credits were taken back for cause.

As far as I know, you were offered credits that do not match any offer available in December. 


You should have been informed what the debit was for.  Did you look at the $600 line item on your bill? What did your bill say?   Did you receive an email on the charge?


There is a lot of missing information you would have received.



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