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4 Messages

Wednesday, October 25th, 2017 7:11 PM

Text messages not being received from SPOT Satellite GPS Messenger

I have a SPOT Satellite GPS Messenger used as a safety device to transmit messages or summon help when I am in the backcountry.  I am able to program in canned messages the system will send via an e-mail, text message or both.  I preprogram the device to send e-mail for example to:  Johnsmith@msn.com  or via SMS to 2085551212@txt.att.net    The system sends the message showing it comes from noreply@findmespot.com   The e-mail messages are coming through fine, but the text messages are not being received.  What might be the problem?  Does the AT&T system not like the "noreply" portion of the address or ???  How can I set things up so this feature of my emergency communicator successfully sends the text messages?  Here's some information from the company site that might help -  

Tips for receiving your email and SMS notifications for OK and HELP messages
Author:SPOT Marketing Team Article Reference #:AA-00122Views:26973 Date Added:2009-05-11 01:00 PMLast Updated:2013-06-03 10:15 AM 2.85 Rating/ 26 Voters  
SPOT sends all North American email and SMS messages via email. This means to send a cell phone a text message, we email 1234567890@yourcellprovider.com and then they relay that to your recipients.

Some email providers see noreply@findmespot.com and depending on their policies may put our messages into a Junk mail folder or simply discard them without notifying anyone. If the messages are rejected, then Customer Care can determine this with you.

If your recipient does not have text messaging enabled for their cellular service, they will not be able to receive the message

If your recipient’s cellular provider sees messages from noreply@findmespot.com as junk mail, they may discard it without delivering or reject the message. This may also be the case for email providers.

If your cellular provider does not support email to SMS text messaging services, then you will not be able to send SMS messages to them from SPOT at this time.
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