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1 Message

Saturday, March 28th, 2020 3:07 AM


Thank you for the free data during covid19

10G of free data for 60 days do to covid19 crisis and you concern .
Thank you very much.
You have no idea how much that helped my wife and I.
We have just recently moved from Texas to Colorado.
I have a Video doctor visit Monday with No data.
Thank you
It doesn't take much to matter a lot

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ACE - Expert


28K Messages

4 years ago

That is so lovely of you to acknowledge and appreciate what is being done.

99.9% of the posters lately are unhappy, mad, angry and frustrated and I can understand that but they seem to forget that the current state of affairs is unprecedented and something this country has never had to deal with.

I did my first video dr. visit today! Strange but I was glad I didn't have to leave the house.

Texas will hate to lose such a kind person but you and your wife stay safe.


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