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4 Messages

Saturday, January 28th, 2017 3:25 PM

Unfair Discount

My ex wife is still receiving a 24% discount on her wireless service, after having quit the job that she got the discount from years ago. She knew the person who set her up with a separate account, and the person KNEW she didn't work there anymore, but let her keep the discount.

I tried reporting this to ATT Fraud, and then customer service. They couldn't help, because it's not my account. I'm reporting fraud/theft of a ATT service, but seems like no one can help with this.

No one at ATT was kind enough to offer me a 24% discount, no questions asked, because as they said, "it would be wrong and unfair". EXACTLY.



4 Messages

7 years ago

I should add, she left the job years ago, and has been receiving the discount for years now.

About $25 a month, for 30 months, is about $750 in lost revenue for ATT, and it just keeps adding up.

ACE - Expert


16.5K Messages

7 years ago

@jough626 Why do you even know what discount she gets on HER bill?



ACE - Sage


118.4K Messages

7 years ago

Vindictive isn't a good look on anybody man.  Move on.  Let her deal with her own conscience 




4 Messages

7 years ago

Because I was there when I watched the ATT Store employee keep the discount on her account, even when he knew she didn't work there.

Yup, vindictive. Sorry, she's lied about everything. At least I figured ATT cared about fraud, and she'd be required for once to be honest.

ATT didn't want to give me a discount I didn't deserve. Weird.

ACE - Sage


118.4K Messages

7 years ago

Trust Karma will get her in time.  Is pretty apparent she wasn't worth your time.   Don't let it get you.


ACE - Expert


16.5K Messages

7 years ago

@jough626 wrote:
At least I figured ATT cared about fraud, and she'd be required for once to be honest.

ATT didn't want to give me a discount I didn't deserve. Weird.

But if they had let you have a discount, it sure sounds like you'd be okay with getting it?


Thank you for your info.





4 Messages

7 years ago

No, I wouldn't be ok with it. I have integrity. I have no desire to take what I don't deserve. I only said what I said to prove a point.

Nice of you to flip this on me though, for something that hasn't, nor will, happen.

Would the same remarks be made towards me if the situation was more grievous? Had I said I knew someone who stole someone's identity to gain service, would you say that I'd do it too if I could? Of course you wouldn't, so why pull that now?

New Member


25.7K Messages

7 years ago

"Had I said I knew someone who stole someone's identity to gain service, would you say that I'd do it too if I could? Of course you wouldn't, so why pull that now?"

Because stealing somebody's identity affects somebody not involved. In this case at&t is the people who created the discount. The person getting angry over it, is an ex of that person. If you had an ex call in and demand at&t investigate your account and they did I would imagine you would be rather upset.

This will sound rude but it's something you honestly should hear. This sounds very childish. It sounds very much like two kids getting in a fight and one kid going out of their way to do anything at all to make life worse the other one. It sounds like you have been separated for 30 months. It's time to move on with your life and look for the next opportunity instead of dwelling on the past. Focusing on your ex will not bring happiness, but sadness and anger. Look forward for somebody who can bring you joy.

ACE - Sage


118.4K Messages

7 years ago

@Anonymous   Well said.  

@jough626   I think we can agree ATT doesn't care.   The only one hurt by this is you, because you are letting it hurt you.   She sounds like a user.  Some people are like that and it does catch up.

You can't even let go of this thread and figure, "These strangers are right, I'm the better person.  I need to be proud of that and walk away". 

You're free, I hope with no further obligation to her.

If you continue to obsess over the unfairness of things, you will be the one people think is a nut job. 

Be the better person.  Be the bigger person.  She isn't worth a minute more of your life, but you are literally giving her control with this obsession. 


I feel bad you are so hurt by this relationship.   I hope very much that you heal.



ACE - Expert


16.5K Messages

7 years ago

@jough626 wrote:
Nice of you to flip this on me though, for something that hasn't, nor will, happen.

It didn't seem like you had much of a problem with it when she was with you?


Now you're out to get her? By taking her cellular discount away...  Do you hear how that sounds?



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