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4 Messages

Monday, August 18th, 2014 8:08 PM

Unlock Request---Because the account was terminated for the same

I had been an ATT customer for 7 years, One day fraud prevention lady told me that she will investigate my account and that if i ever call into ATT about getting my device unlocked they will discontinue my account. I have tried att.com/deviceunlock to no avail

Well, fast forward a week---They abruptly ended my service; I didn't call to get my phone unlocked-go figure (because they suspected fraud---because of getting my phone unlocked to stay with att so i can use my device overseas with a local sim).

I have a paid-off expensive phone, which after their service discontinuation is a paid-off expensive paper weight. It is unfair practice to leave someone with a paid off phone, out of contract, no ETF, no past due....only because they exceed the number of unlock request for a year.

If ATT doesn't want me as a customer, fine....unlock my phone so i can take my business elsewhere (something they threatened me anyway prior to cancellation) I tried using a third party unlock service and they said ATT put a soft lock of some type that prevents them from getting the unlock code as well. So, this is my humblest request to get my one "paid for" device unlocked. This is unfair practice if my phone is deemed unusable unless i use it on ATT, which THEY WON"T allow....So, this sort of behaviour is just plain wrong. I will have to report to BBB and FCC for fair unlocking service if a agreed upon reasonable resolution isn't met. After all, it is just one unlock. Please refer to http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/12/12/us-usa-wireless-unlocking-idUSBRE9BB05320131212



Thank you

Former Employee


4.9K Messages

10 years ago

Hello, bstopiwala!


Thanks for posting. I'm sorry to hear your unlock request was denied. We would be happy to investigate further, so please click here to send us a private message.


In your message, please provide your name, phone number, email address, and the best time to reach you. You can expect a reply within two business days, so keep an eye on the little blue envelope icon in the top right corner of your screen.


In the meantime, feel free to message me with any other questions or concerns.



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