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9 Messages

Sunday, June 24th, 2018 3:33 PM

Very disapointed with AT&T and will be leaving after 12+ LOYAL years with them

I have been a loyal customer with AT&T for over 12 years.  I was with Cinglular and was brought to AT&T during the buy out.  Recently I had issues with dropped call, failed calls, unable to connect to data.  I have trouble shot with ATT for 3 months now.  I have done restores, resets, sim card changes.  I have now been told that my phone is bad and will need replaced.  Being an Apple user, I have to go thru Apple to get any work done.  Now that my phone is 14 months old I am out of warranty and Apple said sorry.  Thanks AT&T.  So I have to pay off my device and get a new one.  AT&T wants me to pay down my device 85% then they will issue an early upgrade.  That will not work with me because I have ad a rep tell me they don't want me as a customer anymore.  Surprising, caugh caugh,  that call can't be found.  I have been lied to time and time again.  I used to think AT&T had great customer server and was loyal to there customers.  That is not the case.  After this last call to AT&T, nothing could be done without me getting shafted.  So Fare well AT&T after 12+ years of service.  One more long term customer GONE!  I will be paying off my device and looking for a new carrier!

ACE - Sage


118.4K Messages

6 years ago

You still have to pay off the phone.  

The phone is an Apple product, not AT&T’s.  From the day you took bought it, the iPhone is 100% APPLE’s responsibility.  It is up to you to get Apple care or insurance.  No carrier will just fix this.

Im sure you can go to another carrier forum and see a similar complaint and response:

    You agreed to pay for the phone when you bought it.  There was no “out” or “void” of your payment agreement if the equipment was faulty, lost, broken, stolen, etc.  


ACE - Expert


16.5K Messages

6 years ago



I'm sorry, I'm not sure how a phone issue is AT&T's fault.


AT&T is who you chose to finance your phone with, you could have just put it on a credit card, would it be Visa's fault if the phone stopped working?


AT&T wants me to pay down my device 85% then they will issue an early upgrade. 

I don't see how this is going to work because as a Next Trade in they need it to be in working condition.



I have trouble shot with ATT for 3 months now.  

Being an Apple user, I have to go thru Apple to get any work done. 

Now that my phone is 14 months old I am out of warranty and Apple said sorry. 

I don't understand why you didn't take it to Apple while it was still in warranty?? Apple rocks for service in my opinion.  AT&T doesn't work on iPhones.


Did you call Apple or take it in? Seems like they've always done better for people who take it in (even out of warranty).


I generally recommend AppleCare for the phones as they get banged around a lot.


Regardless, paying Apple to fix it out of warranty might make more sense. Take it in a get a quote.






9 Messages

6 years ago

There was a slew of service issues also.   The last issue was the phone issue and they took sooo long in diagnosing the issue that I am stuck now.   The service I received has been sub standard and very unprofessional.    I was told that ATT does not want me as a customer anymore.    So I said ok then.   Wow.  The issue is more than a phone.   It is service I received 



9 Messages

6 years ago

I am not blaming att for the phone issue.  I didn’t know it was a phone issue.  There were other issues with service along the way also.  The final issue was the phone and yes I called Apple.  There is nothing they can do with warranty.   The real issue is that it took 3 months to figure out it was a phone issue.  I was even told along the way that att didn’t want me as a customer anymore.   That was huge in my book.   It never should have taken this long and it wasn’t until my last call that we found out it was a phone issue.  The quality of customer service has gone down the drain.   They are not the company they used to be.   As far as the phone. I did pay the $79 at Apple to have them quote repairs in the phone and I am going to need a new phone.    So yes I did go to Apple just too late.  Att never directed me to go to Apple or didn’t see a hardware issue until now.  They thought it was a service issue the whole time.   


Hope that clears up your questions and comments 

ACE - Sage


118.4K Messages

6 years ago

It doesn’t take 3 months to figure out a service from equipment problem.  Walk into any ATT store and have them swap the sim into a phone to see if service works. (For that matter, swap with any ATT iPhone).  If it does, it’s the phone.  If not, it’s the service and you pay off and switch carriers.  

   So how did ATT supposedly try to diagnose the problem?




9 Messages

6 years ago

I did go in and swap it out 3 Times. I am not going to explain all the steps and what not I went through. I will pay off the phone and will no longer have any loyalty to att. There is a lot to this story and should not have posed here. I did not want to explain the steps I have been through as this is dead now. Trust me when I say all options were explored and messed up.

Thank you for your comments as they might help others. But I am beyond done as you sound like an employee of ATT. Some of the same lines were used

I agree it should not have taken this long either.

ACE - Expert


16.5K Messages

6 years ago

@kj4fec wrote:

As far as the phone. I did pay the $79 at Apple to have them quote repairs in the phone and I am going to need a new phone.    So yes I did go to Apple just too late.  

And Apple didn't offer an upgrade price, even at a high amount? Just you "need a new phone"?



Please don't forget what I said about Next NOT taking back phones that don't work.


 I was even told along the way that att didn’t want me as a customer anymore.   That was huge in my book.

I understand that, but in the forums we can't really help with the way staff treats you, just the tech stuff.


It sounds like if you'd gone to Apple in the first place (not AT&T) this all would have been fixed three months ago (probably with the warranty). I stay with AT&T for the cellular technology/coverage, not the humans that I have to deal with. 



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