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5 Messages

Friday, May 29th, 2015 11:22 AM


I ordered a iphone 6 plus 4 days ago and the shipping status is still pending. I've spoken to 10 different reps including 2 managers and NO ONE HAS BEEN ABLE TO HELP ME. When I check the status of the shipment at att.com/checkstatus there is absolutely no information for me to see regarding the status of my phone.


I have already paid the taxes on the phone and ATT is saying that I can't cancel the order. The rep that I orignially ordered the phone with said that he put in for priority shipping and that I should get the phone within 2-3 business days!


It is the FOURTH DAY I still have not gotten any new information regarding my order/shipping! This is extremely frustrating.





5/29 Still no resolution.


I have spoken to 5 different reps today (cross checking to see if I get the same info from each one) THEY ALL GAVE DIFFERENT INFORMATION REGARDING MY ACCOUNT.


10:30AM 5/29 Customer Service Rep informed me that the phone would be shipping the phone today. Still no update on att.com/checkstatus



Community Support


15.2K Messages

9 years ago

Hi there @FedUp1982


I’m sorry to hear we have not yet shipped your device. I can confirm that orders may be in a pending/processing status for up to 5 business days. I’m glad to hear our representatives have been able to state that the device was to be shipped yesterday. I hope the device finds you quickly!







5 Messages

9 years ago

This is odd because I do not remember providing personal information, when setting up this forum account, that would help you track the status of my order. However, if what you are saying is true, it would be nice if At&t would at least update the "check status" site so I can see for myself that the item has been shipped or at least see the item status. Keeping detailed communication open with customers is one of the keys of insuring a quality experience. That is not at all what is happening here.


A simple email to confirm what you have posted would suffice, but I have received nothing. At&t is one of the largest communications conglomerates in the world and yet communication is not a top priority. Go figure. I'll wait for a real, concrete solution for this problem that has been plaguing me due At&t's negligence.





5 Messages

9 years ago

The site will not let me edit the post so I will update via the reply option.


5/29 12pm Rep tells me that the phone hasn't shipped yet because of the NEIGHBORHOOD that I live in. I was told that sometimes orders take longer to get shipped because the fraud department is checking for possiblity of fraud based upon the neighborhood of the paying customer. It WOULD HAVE REALLY HELPED if at the beginning of this fiasco so would have given me the choice between being DISCRIMINATED AGAINST OR NOT. If I would have known that it could take longer for me to receive a device simply because of where I LIVE then at least I would have had the opporunity to accept or decline going forward with the order with that in mind. Neighborhood screening/discrimination was NEVER mentioned in SETTING UP THE ORDER AND PAYING FOR THE DEVICE.


5/29 1pm ANOTHER manager told me that the reason I have not received my order or ANY updates is because the At&t wharehouse has no phones available to ship. Again how hard is it to email me or update my account page to let me know this? This manager stated that I should see any update on the check status within the hour after speaking to her. As of now (the next day) there is NOTHING there.





2 Messages

8 years ago

5 business days to ship a phone is a complete joke. I'm on my 6th business day, 9 days since my order, and absolutely nothing has changed on my check-status through the AT&T website. It is still stuck in "pending" mode, and no one can tell me why. If no phone is available to ship, I would like to know that so that I can order it from another company that actually keeps phones in stock. I run a business from my phone and it is detrimental to my business to not have a phone in hand in a timely manner. I have never had these kinds of issues with AT&T in the 10+ years that I've used them as a service provider. I'm really disappointed and frustrated with a company that I used to brag about, as well as anxious for my business performance declining due to this issue. 

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