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6 Messages

Tuesday, May 23rd, 2017 11:11 PM

Anyone else have a problem with band steering and the equipment?

I got my "gig" speed fiber line installed about a month ago and I have had nothing but problems with it. On the first modem/router, all of my devices would get stuck on the 2.4 band and would never come off of it unless you manually switch back to 5 or reboot the device, which is quite annoying. So they replaced it with my current modem/router which is a BGW210-700. This does the exact same thing. So what I did was change the SSID's to WifiName2.4 and 5. Now all of my wireless devices and occasionally my wired devices (only a few times) have a download of ~125 Mbps and an upload of less than 1 Mbps. I have tried everything short of a factory reset of the modem/router and nothing improves the situation. I have spent almost all of my weekends for the past month trying to fix this WiFi. I only have about 4 or 5 devices connected wirelessly and evenly split amongst the two bands. I have idea what else to do but the frustration has gotten to the point where I want to cancel this service, switch back to Comcast (can't believe I'm saying that) and go back to using my own equipment.


Any ideas?





540 Messages

7 years ago

If you have 2.4 and 5GHz split into 2 SSIDs then your modem is NOT performing band steering.

Band steering is when the SSIDs are the same and the modem sees a device with 5GHz and it gives said device 5GHz.


I would highly recommend you factory reset the modem by holding the little red button for 20-30 seconds. And see how it works with the SSIDs un-split and all the other settings back to default that you may have changed.



6 Messages

7 years ago

Correct, I know what band steering is. Because it's not working correctly or well, I have since split the networks into two.


Factory resetting the equipment is a temporary solution and results in the band steering issue I mentioned. The tech also suggested to leave them at all default settings after a factory reset and the next Saturday another tech came out and diagnosed the issue as being with the band steering and replaced the equipment. The issue still exists. Once i get everything "working," it lasts maybe a week at most.


Any idea on the upload problem?

New Member


1 Message

@djgurley Yeah, AT&T knows what you're doing. It's a bunch of (Edited per community guidelines)!

They hire technicians to go out and fix/install your cable box, but they are really working off a script.

To truly get the best internet, AT&T has to TRULY make sure you have to best connection from their servers to your home. Also, 5 GHZ broadband plus DNS servers are very important in this.

Please Google this information!

AT&T will most likely delete this post....


ACE - Guru


9.9K Messages

Why on earth did you choose a 3 yr old thread in which to insert your rant? It doesn't even relate to the subject of the thread!

Award for Community Excellence Achiever*
*I am not an AT&T employee, and the views and opinions expressed on this forum are purely my own. Any product claim, statistic, quote, or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider, or party.



540 Messages

7 years ago

What speedtest are you using? 

Are you using just one or are you using a few of them?


Are you noticing the 1mbps upload during lets say uploading something to Google Drive etc? Or do you not notice it being slow and it's just when you speedtest.


Heard about a repair a co-worker did this week where there was 1mbps on a Gigapower account. He changed the server the test was pinging on speedtest.net and that seemed to be why. Wondering if this is a similar situation, hence why I am asking if you're using more than one speedtest site / different servers on the various sites. 



9 Messages

7 years ago

While I can't say much on your speed issues, I will tell you that band steering is a joke. I have a 5268ac gateway and after a day I find all my devices revert back to 2.4 anyway. If I turn the 5GHz band off, my Wi-Fi light then turns off. A reboot puts things back on 5GHz, but only for less than 24 hours. Hope that helps...



10 Messages

7 years ago

You can download the latest Pace 5268 firmware from here:
» ··· 28-PROD/

And then manually install it:


ForumsUS ISPs non-cable →     go to DSLReports.com and look for that topic in the forms 

AT&T U-versePossible New Gateway - BGW210-700 (3x3 2.4 GHz / 4x4 5 GHz)



10 Messages

7 years ago

Screen Shot 2017-05-27 at 11.18.08 PM.pngYou can see the software has been updated

1 Attachment



6 Messages

7 years ago

Exactly! Same thing here. I changed them to two different SSID's so that I can control what's going on.



6 Messages

7 years ago

Everything has seemed to level out once I set up two different SSID's for the two bands. The band steering seemed to always get everything stuck on the 2.4 band daily, which was quite frustrating. I was using the speed test suggested on the router's speed test page, which is speedtest.net. For my location in Atlanta, the server it selected strangely enough was an AT&T one. Only when using the AT&T server on speed test did I get a 125 Mbps download and >1 Mbps upload. Once I changed the server to anything other than the AT&T server, everything seems to be correct. Not sure what the issue is there. I would use speedof.me instead for anyone testing their internet speeds. This site goes through passes with different file sizes of uploads and downloads to give you the most accurate reading. For some ISP's, large file sizes result in throttled speeds such as streaming for example. That does not seem to be the case for AT&T.



1 Message

7 years ago

There’s a reason you have problems with band steering: AT&T instructs people to make sure the 2.4G and 5G network names and passwords are the same so they can throttle customers down.


They tell you that you need to keep it the same so you can “benefit from the enhanced Wi-Fi technology on your device”, since it’s “designed to provide improved in-home Wi-Fi performance”. And it sounds reasonable at first blush. After all, who wouldn’t want the benefits of improved performance?


But as with everything else pertaining to near monopolies, any lip service they give you touting better service for you is to mask that it is really all about benefits to them. And the benefit to them is, less bandwidth saves them capital expense. That’s why my iPad, which was only a few feet from the gateway and thus wasn’t out of range of 5G at all, got pushed over to 2.4G. They were hoping I would not notice the difference, and save a few pennies on me.


And so, there you go. There’s your real reason for “band steering”. Your only hope is to make your devices “forget” your 2.4G band, or to not allow devices to connect automatically to it.



3 Messages

7 years ago

I had this problem with the band steering ATT modem. It was driving me nuts with slow speeds. FInally, an ATT repair guy, working with his supervisor, figured it out. We logged into the router. There, we changed the name of the 5 Ghz network name to be different from the 2.4 Ghz network. I then saved the settings and the router rebooted. I then connected to the new wifi name. This forced the Wifi to the 5 Ghz network. Problem solved.


So now I have two wifi networks to choose from when I connect a wifi device for the first time. I called one "myWifi2-4" and "myWifi5". I connect to the "myWifi5" for laptops and phones. This is the 5 Ghz band. However, for things like smart TVs and other household internet devices, I use the 2.4 Ghz Wifi.


The tech told me that a smart TV should be on the 2.4 Ghz network but my laptops and all other devices should be on the 5 Ghz network. It appears the band steering technology does not work so well.



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