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2 Messages

Friday, September 8th, 2017 9:35 PM

AT&T Fiber and EA Servers Connections

Is there some way to know what the connection status, speed/rate or routing issues is between AT&T Fiber lines and (Electronic Arts) EA Servers?


I currently have AT&T Fiber Internet 1000 which should see speeds of (1 Gig Download) and (1 Gig Upload).

I average about (800+/- Download) and (600+/- Upload) when using AT&T's Speed test website (https://www.att.com/support/speedtest/)

But when I use Speedtest.net by Ookla Global Broadband Speed Test it is consistently lower averaging about (400+/- Up) and (120+/- Down) (http://beta.speedtest.net/)


The issue I have is:  When I use my PlayStation 4 Pro and connect to the PSN network and run speed tests, I find that I have odd connection rates.

I see rates like: (300-400 Mbps Download) and (200-600 Kbps Upload).  Like what gives?!?!

I have configured my AT&T Router according to what EA has recommended (Opening ports, NAT configurations, etc.) but I still see no difference in speeds as stated above.

I have downloaded, installed and updated any and all firmware, patches or fixes to my Playstation and Router.  Still nothing. 

I have PSN friends who have lesser connection speeds (100Mb) that have better Down/Upload speed on their Playstations.  So why aren't they having the same issues?

I have had multiple A&T Network Technicians come out to my location and try and figure out this issue and teach me what they know to no avail.

I have scoured online forums and websites to see if there is something I am missing or perhaps find some trick that could fix this issue.  But No Dice.


So now I ask, is there something that AT&T does, configures or routes  the information on their Fiber lines that drastically reduces upload speeds when trying to connect to EA servers?  Is there some patch or fix that AT&T has to fix my issue that their technicians do not know about?  Is there a possibility to kick this up the chain above the standard technicians (say Network Engineers) who may have a deeper in-depth knowledge of the network architecture design that could help me?    


Any and ALL help solving this issue would be greatly appreciated.  Like Ridiculously Appreciated.  =(

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