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15 Messages

Friday, March 15th, 2024 12:44 PM

ATT Fiber Slow During Peak Hours


I've had 300/300 service for about over a year now since the service became available in my neighborhood. It has been pretty good so far until recently for the past few months I've noticed that the download speed drops to about 150-200 in the afternoons and evenings, while the upload stays nearly the same at 370ish.

I tested the speeds both hardwired to the gateway using different speedtest.net servers and I tested it using the gateways onboard speedtest. Both show about the same speeds. Just to mention, I have everything disconnected while I'm testing and I've already recently had the gateway swapped out with a new one.

I'm about 99% positive that the speeds drop because of peak hours. It's kind of shocking that a brand new fiber service can't handle my street or my block of subscribers.

Is there anyone at ATT that I can reach out to and see if anything can be done? Is my area being over(Edited per community guidelines)d and the equipment can't keep up with the demand? Anything at all that I can try to do? or am I just (Edited per community guidelines).

ACE - Expert


36K Messages

4 months ago

GPON and XGSPON are shared fiber service. You share the fiber back to the CO with up to 32 or 64 of your neighbors.  XGSPON has 10 Gbps to share between 64, which means your "fair share" if things are busy is 156 Mbps.  GPON has a bit less to share, and fewer sharers, which works out to less for each.

You can call AT&T Support directly, but there's nothing they can really do if it is what you think.  It could be a capacity issue further up that they need to work on.  It would take some work with traceroute and/or pingplotter to decide if the issue is in your fiber to the CO, or further along.


ACE - Professor


5.9K Messages

4 months ago

Does this affect your web browsing or gaming? If no, don’t worry about it. 

New Member


15 Messages

4 months ago

Well, actually it does affect my download speeds, as well as I'd like to get my provisioned speeds that I'm paying for. So, I am worried about it that's why I'm asking if there's something I can do about it or anyone over at att I can notify. I'm assuming stuff like this is not monitored on their end? Like bandwidth over utilization during the day.

ACE - Expert


36K Messages

4 months ago

I'd like to get my provisioned speeds that I'm paying for.

You are paying for an "up to bandwidth" for a shared service.  You are not guaranteed to always get your provisioned bandwidth.  And you actually get overprovisioned (when possible; Gigabit on GPON can't) so that you can get over your contracted bandwidth when capacity is available.  If everyone on your fiber tried to get the bandwidth "they're paying for", clearly no one would.   If a large percentage of the people tied to your CO all tried to get the bandwidth "they're paying for" at the same time, there would be upstream congestion not related to the fiber.  BTW, this is the case with any provider, the business model doesn't allow them to charge you consumer prices for reserved bandwidth; those service tiers are available, but they're a lot more expensive.

We actually do not know where your issue lies.  It could be a faulty ONT from someone else on your fiber, or a bad OLT.  It could be a lot of people on your fiber using it.  It could be a capacity problem upstream from your CO.  We'd need more information to help direct your energies to getting better bandwidth.  

New Member


15 Messages

4 months ago

Well right. That's exactly what I'm asking. What can I do on MY END besides just tell that downstream slows during these hours of the day. I would imagine that an ISP would have all the tools to diagnose or monitor any kind of service issues and not rely on their subscribers? All I can do is stare the symptoms and narrow down the issue outside of my home ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Former Employee


22.5K Messages

4 months ago

You state PEAK hours, this is like the freeway saying speed limit of 65 but your not going to see that speed during peak rush hour traffic, lucky to get 50% to 65% although the system is designed to support normal usage of 65.

So during peak hours what do you get when running the Smart Home Manager app to the gateway, if speeds are good that means the traffic jam is beyond the first point in the ATT network and might be off network.

It also means you likely have not read the ATT Internet Terms Of Service agreement that states speeds are not guaranteed but managed for best usability of all. 


Like the other networks that make up the Internet, AT&T's is a shared network, which means that the transmission links and other network resources used to provide the Service are shared among AT&T's subscribers. AT&T manages this network for the benefit of all users based on a variety of factors, and our technical expertise.….

b)"Expected Speeds."  Because there are many factors which may impact the speed experienced by any particular internet user at any particular time (as described in more detail below), the “Expected Speed” represents an anticipated, theoretical speed of the Connection, based on network design and engineering, measured over time.  At any moment in time, a particular observed speed will vary from the Expected Speed. However, AT&T manages its network toward an overall median speed consistent with the Expected Speed.….

4) Other Factors that Impact Speed.

In addition to issues presented by the various technologies over which an internet access may operate on an end-to end basis, end-to-end performance of your Internet Service will also depend on a variety of other factors, including (but not limited to): the number of subscribers simultaneously using the network; specific characteristics of the location from which you are accessing the internet; specific characteristics of your intended destination on the internet; overall traffic on the Internet; Wi-Fi connectivity; interference with high frequency spectrum on your telephone line; wiring inside your premises, office or apartment complex; the capacity or performance of your network devices, routers, gateways or modems; the servers with which you must communicate with in order to reach your intended destination and/or access the content you are trying to access; internal and external network management factors (including Overhead, which refers to the various control and signaling data required to achieve the reliable transmission of Internet access data); and, the networks you and others are using when communicating. In addition, your use of other AT&T services (such as U-verse TV, AT&T Phone, Unified Messaging, and other services) that may share the capacity of your broadband connection with the Service may impact the amount of capacity available for your use of the Service at that particular time and thus affect the performance of the Service. Consequently, AT&T does not guarantee the performance of your service on an end- to-end basis.  This is also why third party speed tests which include other portions of the overall internet connection beyond the Connection itself may yield results which are outside the expected speed range for your particular service plan on the Speed Tier page.  AT&T expressly disclaims any warranty with respect to the outcome of these third party speed tests.

ACE - Expert


36K Messages

4 months ago

They may have the tools to tell them where congestion lies, and they might actually be working on your problem even as we speak... but they seem to take their own sweet time resolving issues.  It helps to let them know that customers also know there's an issue and they they want it fixed; it can get priority and resources directed at your particular issue.  If there's a capacity issue and customers aren't complaining about it, why "waste" the money on taking care of it.

If the issue is the fiber to your neighborhood is overburdened, and your PFP has all the splitters it will hold or especially if there are no more fibers from the CO to light up, there will be no quick fix.


New Member


15 Messages

4 months ago

That's exactly what I'm saying. The service was fine when fiber first became available in my area. After about 1 year it has become degraded during peak hours. I've already had my gateway recently swapped out.

Put 2 and 2 together. One can only assume now that as the service is becoming more popular and more people are getting it, the quality drops off proportionally.

New Member


15 Messages

3 months ago

Well. The techs manning the Live Support chat are (Edited per community guidelines) harnessing the power of both Chat-GPT and the Windows Notepad. They're a(Edited per community guidelines)olutely unable to deviate from their script and use their own brains.

I explained to them multiple times that I'm seeing downstream at less than 50% of my provisioned speed daily at almost exactly 7-11PM Eastern. All I wanted from them was to put in a NOC ticket for overutilization in my area during peak hours, but they just proceeded to reboot the Gateway and follow their IF/THEN script. They saw that I disabled the WiFi at the gateway and a managed switch on my network, so they kept insisting that I'm using a third party router and that my WiFi is the issue, even though I asked them at least 7 times to just pull the speedtest logs that were done directly at the ATT Gateway to confirm the issue.

If they're unable to provide even close to 300/300 during peak, then I can only imagine the (Edited per community guidelines) that happens at higher speed tiers during peak. If I wanted 100Mbps then I could've just went with Comcast. 

I guess I'll try calling them next and burn a minimum 1-2 hours out of my life trying to get past an NPC, so they can actually start investigating the issue.


New Member


15 Messages

3 months ago

This is every single day: 

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