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1 Message

Sunday, June 17th, 2018 10:30 PM

Gigapower internet - slow upload

I've had Gigabit internet for a couple of months with no issues. Fast download, fast upload, wonderful. (usually we were getting 600-800down/600up on our wired devices)

Almost 2 weeks ago (June 6, 2018) we started having issues.

Download speed has been slower than usual but still fine. Upload speed has been UNBEARABLE.

Since June 6th, our speeds have consistently been 200-400down/0.6up


Yeah. LESS THAN ONE upload. 


Technician came out today, spent over 4 hours here (after being an hour and a half late to my appointment) and left with nothing being fixed. In fact, the download speed is even SLOWER than before he showed up.

He told me my computer was the problem, not the network.


My computer is NOT the only device on the network having these issues (we have another PC and 3 consoles wired in) and why would my computer be the issue when I just started experiencing problems 2 weeks ago?


Looking for any sort of insight to get this resolved. 

Community Support


232.9K Messages

6 years ago

Hello @targyrell,

 Thank you for reaching out to the Community Forums. To best assist you with getting the resolved I would like to provide you with the Thread on troubleshooting your GigaPower internet speeds. It will share with you the right hardware to use with GigaPower and what can impact your speed.

If you have further questions please let us know.

Traci, AT&T Community Specialist



1 Message

5 years ago

I too, have been having Speed issues that I started to notice around that time. I have had AT&T Fiber 1000 for a little over 2 years now. I work for an IT Department everyday and I am very technical savvy on this type of stuff and started noticing slow upload speeds. When I ran speed test from the speedtest.net, att speedtest, and dslreports.com speedtest, they showed 200-400 mb/s download and about 5-10 mb/s upload. When I first received the AT&T Fiber, I consistently received 900+ down and 900+ up. I was on chat with support shortly after I noticed the issue and they reflashed my Pace gateway. That helped a little. I have also done my own troubleshooting and disconnected everything connected to the gateway except for my laptop (2014 MacBook Pro) directly connected to the gateway and ran speedtests with the same results. A couple months later, I called support and spent a couple of hours on the phone for more troubleshooting to where, they ended up sending a tech out to my house and replaced the modem with a new modem (BGW210-700). My download speeds are a lot better, 600-800 mb/s range and my upload was 500-600 mb/s at the time the modem was swapped out, but not my upload speeds are back down to about 20-50 mb/s last I checked and sometimes even lower. I wished I could get my upload speeds back up higher. I haven't really fooled around with it much lately, but need to get back on it so I can get it fixed since I use my internet when I work from home while being on call. The tech said that anything over 600 mb/s down and up consistently is considered ok with AT&T. I just want my upload speeds to be consistently that high. I do understand that I get some performance degradation using wireless, but the speedtests above were from being on a wired connection.



1 Message

5 years ago

this solved it for me...


Go to Start->Control Panel->Device Manager->Network adapters->Your adapters name (mine is Atheros AR8152/8158 PCI-E Fast Ethernet Controller (NDIS 6.20), right-click then select Properties. On the Advance tab, find property Large Send Offload (IPv4) and change its value to Disabled then click OK.

If you have a Large Send Offload (IPv4) v2 try setting that to Enable (with the other one disabled of course).



1 Message

5 years ago

Any real solutions to this yet?  I have had this issue ever since starting with AT&T Gig Speed.  Replaced the first modem about a year ago which solved some things.  However, my upload is very inconsistent.  Performing a speed test from the modem always shows 900+ for upload and download.  Speed tests from wired computers will vary.  Download is usually stable and above 900.  Upload will vary from 900+ up all the way down to 1 to 3 up.  Wireless is usually not any better.  Last tech out claimed it was electrical over flow (my words) from devices plugged into ungrounded power strips.  Electricity was flowing back over ethernet to the modem causing interference.  Well, I fixed that.  The only device connected via ethernet is my laptop now.  Still issues. Also attempted the "Large send off load" fix.  No joy...  



1 Message

5 years ago

We have the same problem here Gig Fiber and less than 1MB upload a large part of the day.  AT&T can’t figure out the problem.  They constantly act like it’s our devices, but that has nothing to do with anything.  In all my decades we’ve never had an upload problem with anybody else and any other service.

ACE - Professor


5.9K Messages

5 years ago

@schurch, if your speedtests are from different test sites and cities, you have to be aware that you can get wildly different results from each one. The best thing to do is monitor actual file uploads to see what real world results are. I’ve read on many forums that file uploads are limited by upload services. So real world you won’t see 1 gig uploads. 

Here is a forum to get more detailed answers. There is also a networking forum



New Member


1 Message

4 years ago

BRO! "aeckblad" wont let me comment on your post but you are the man. I don't usually sign up or leave reviews and comments on stuff like this because nothing usually works but I did what you said... kinda! because my network adapter only has the Large Send Offload (IPv4) v2 not the regular one and it was on enable so I just disabled it and did a speed test and my upload went from 6-9 and dying to 600 plus! ty so much. I stream and the main reason I got the gig plan was for the insane upload and this just made my day. THANK YOU SO MUCH <3 the weird part is I never had an issue with download. its constantly 900 plus it was only the upload and this fixed my issue and I hope it stays this way.

New Member


3 Messages

3 years ago

aeckblad is a stud. His recommendations on the adapter setting above were right on the money.

I was having trouble with others being able to see and hear me on WFH conference calls, although I had no trouble seeing and hearing them. I finally noticed that my upload speed was less than 5% of my download speeds, but couldn't find a fix. These changed did the trick!

FYSA, on my W10 computer the settings, were called "ARP Offload for WoWLAN" and "NS Offload for WoWLAN". I disabled both of them. My upload speeds went from 5mbps to 60+ mbps.
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