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swolfe2's profile



1 Message

Thursday, August 15th, 2019 3:49 AM

U-Verse - Arris Gateway - Still Losing Signal After Multiple Technician Visits

We have had fiber installed for about a month. Since then, we have had 4 separate technician visits to our home to attempt to resolve issues we're having with fiber cutting out, and taking minutes to reset with the reset button. This happens MULTIPLE times a day, and no technician really has any idea of why. When they come out, they perform some tests, but since nothing fails, they don't know what's causing it. This is INCREDIBLY frustrating, as I have 2 children who need to have consistent access for school work, along with the rest of the house. When the fiber cuts out, it also disconnects the WAN box, which then has to be re-paired with the receiver in our bedroom.


Here's what's been changed each visit:

  1. Some network tests on their iPad, but not modifications to equipment
  2. A new WAN box was installed. Tech measured voltage going back over ethernet to the Arris, and decided that the WAN was causing interference.
  3. Tech could wiggle the cord coming from the fiber box to the Arris, and signal would cut out. Decided that since it was a cheap press fitting, something must be coming loose and causing issues.
  4. Tech felt a small kink in the fiber line, and cut it out/corrected the fitting.


We have an Orbi mesh system, and have the onboard Wi-Fi turned off. Also, we currently have the router set in passthrough with its own unique DHCP pool (192.168.48.*), which we got from a Reddit post here.


We never had a single issue like this on Spectrum. I would like for someone to help point me in the right direction of a real solution, because I'm almost about to throw in the towel with AT&T.


Model Number of Modem


Home Network Status



Passthrough Info





4 Attachments

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5 years ago

Hi There @swolfe2


Thank you so much for posting and thank you so much for the screenshots.  We do want to help you get this cleared up.


To get started with your resolution, we will be sending you a private message to your forums inbox.


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1. Log-in to your forums account.
2. Click on the envelope icon
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Just a reminder: Please do not post any personal information such as, email addresses, phone numbers, or account numbers on this public thread.


We look forward to working with you to get this resolved.

Matthew, AT&T Community Specialist

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