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HeatherTaff's profile



1 Message

Thursday, August 1st, 2019 11:55 PM


Door to Door Solicitors Ignoring No Soliciting Sign

We had a young man show up on our doorstep four times in the past three days, once at 830 pm, knocking on our door, ignoring the clearly posted No Soliciting sign on our door. My husband finally answered his knocking on the fourth visit, where the young man persistently went through his sales pitch until we had to close the door in his face. This is unnerving and unprofessional, we would never purchase your service when such tactics are used. Please don't sing the "They're only contractors" song. There are enough complaints on here that it should be looked into as they are representing AT&T. 

Community Support


232.9K Messages

5 years ago

Hello @HeatherTaff,

 To fully assist with this issue further, we will need to look over your account in more detail.

I am sending you a private message (PM) to help in this matter. Please check your forums private messages by clicking the Forums Inbox. Locate the PM from ATTCares and reply to my message with your specific account details.

I look forward to your response and the opportunity to help you!

Charles, AT&T Community Specialist


New Member


2 Messages

4 years ago

Same exact thing for us. 8pm last night. Name of Rep is David Uzell and a partner. Said "I am not selling anything" and then inflamatory "look up the definition of selling" - had Cleveland tags and did not once say sorry for bothering you even though Overland Park Kansas Code specifically says "if no soliciting sign is posted no company or individual may solicit".  Whats amazing is in the second sentence after I am not selling he said "I signed up two of your neighbors down the street" - sign up sounds like sales to me.  I am an AT&T mobile customer for the last 5 years.  I am thinking of dropping them if this is who they employ. 

New Member


2 Messages

4 years ago

I have a no soliciting sign and will call the number.  They are back in the neighborhood (Foxfield Estates) again tonight.

7 months ago

They are doing it now again in Cardinal Woods. Guy walked past the no soliciting and knocked on my door selling fiber. When I pointed out the sign to him he said he wasn't selling anything. I told him he was soliciting and for him to go back to school to learn the definition, and had to throw him off my property. ATT needs to discontinue doing this, as I am an ATT wireless customer and considering changing that now as a result of this. 

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