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Get superfast AT&T Fiber internet

New Member


4 Messages

Tuesday, July 18th, 2023 4:33 AM

Excluded from fiber and don't appreciate it Don't kick us while we're down

Also since y'all aren't in the neighborhoods of certain people y'all have a funny way of excluding people for one to be excluded from fiber is terrible it feels terrible it (Edited per community guidelines) I have to call you constantly about outages or slow speeds I literally had to cancel y'all because of issues like I spent a year calling y'all over 300 Representatives plus in just that year and I literally was losing my mental health it was on a steep decline like I got AT&T to better my mental health and it literally destroyed it I don't call y'all as often as I should anymore therefore y'all try to be limited on the credits that you'll give but I just I can't bring myself to do it it causes me to have high blood pressure spikes causing me to get physically ill and I mentally cannot handle calling y'all as much as I was I just physically or mentally can't do it I'm drained so I literally will spend most of my days outside avoiding the TV or avoiding the internet but on top of feeling excluded from not being a Fiber customer y'all have again a funny way of just kicking people while they're down by offering access an option to get free internet to only fiber people and also by offering bundles to only fiber and cell phone and then having the nerve to tell people to move to an area that has fiber not everybody has the option or the the financial possibility or realm to even to move or think about moving so very (Edited per community guidelines) response to somebody when they are asking please bring fiber to our area so I'll be another one of those voices please bring fiber to the areas please like we are tired of waiting and I'm tired of being kicked while I'm down if you're not going to offer fiber to our areas at least offer all the things that you offer for fiber like access the bundle promotion Etc I'd get free internet if I had Fiber Well I can't get fiber cuz y'all aren't here it's so stupid and doesn't feel like you'll appreciate your customers

Accepted Solution

ACE - Expert


32.5K Messages

11 months ago


Fiber rollout is ongoing. It is not guaranteed to reach all existing customers. Does seem they are prioritizing new developments. Some areas may not be planned for fiber, so customers in other areas use the older infrastructure for as long as it is supported.

If AT&T doesn't have what works for you, then go with another ISP. Fiber is not a necessity or something we are entitled to. Certainly not something to destroy your mental/physical health over.

There is no "y'all" as this is a public community forum, not AT&T official support. Most posters are customers like yourself. For official support you call. However as you have experienced, calling doesn't give you priority to get fiber. Until such time fiber is in your area (if ever) you will need to look at other providers.

(If you need guidance in the future, please post with ending sentences. A giant wall of text that is a single sentence is a bit difficult to sort through)


11 months ago

ATT promotions for fiber are false.  You put in your zip code and it's available but put in your address and it is not.  I am already looking at switching.

ACE - Expert


32.5K Messages

11 months ago

ATT promotions for fiber are false.  You put in your zip code and it's available but put in your address and it is not.

That does not make it false. Your zip code is more than just your address. They aren't saying it is available everywhere in that zip code, only that there is fiber within it. Unfortunately you are one of those within the zip it doesn't reach currently.

Within a zip code they have it, just not the entirety of the zip code. That is why you check exact address for options instead of just a general view.

Former Employee


32.9K Messages

11 months ago

Y’all 🤦‍♂️ffs 

ACE - Expert


32.5K Messages

11 months ago

Just regional speak I guess. As much as I'm not a fan, there are certain 'phrases' that still stick with me from where I was growing up that sometimes cause strife where I'm at. So I'm not one to judge.

4 Messages

11 months ago

I'm less than 1/4 mile from "ALL" of the tier 1 lines that run through here

ATT ran right through my neighborhood and skipped right over us. Literally every surrounding neighborhood has *TWO* fiber options (up to 10 gigabit) except my own. 

What does the ATT fiber map have most in common with?   A redlining map from the 1950s. 

This company is sad 

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