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Get superfast AT&T Fiber internet

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3 Messages

Wednesday, May 11th, 2022 10:56 PM


Fiber optic line in my yard… but I don’t have access

There’s a brand new, and active, fiber optic cable in my front yard. Only 6 of the 72 fibers in the cable are going to a new cell tower. Why is AT&T not giving us access? We are suffering with copper phone lines that break weekly. We also have no cellular reception there despite the new tower. Our cell phones, house phone, and direct tv are all with AT&T, yet I cannot get an answer from your call centers on why we can’t get the service we pay for… or why we cannot have internet connectivity like our neighbors do.

Former Employee


22.5K Messages

2 years ago

What neighbors having what service?

Both cell tower and business fiber is not residential fiber….

You need a PFP with fiber splitters (1:32 or 1:64) along with fiber terminals placed to support the neighborhood, has to be planned and budgeted for up to 2 years before being active for ordering.

How dense is the housing? Have seen new construction with 40 lots not get fiber as not enough addresses to justify the expense. Currently 80% of ATT footprint has some type of hardwired internet service. Out of this 60 million residential addresses within 21 state footprint currently 30% (18 million) is direct fiber FTTP with planned reach to 50% by 2026. 

For the 20% of low density rural to semi rural areas (15 million) that is not economically feasible to upgrade will be serviced by cellular service hotspot or fixed wireless where available.

For me neighbors refer to immediate addresses to left and right on same side of street… not across the street, around the corner (different street) or up the street several blocks… immediate neighbors can receive what service?


New Member


3 Messages

2 years ago

Neighbors have full AT@T phone and Uverse service. I don’t know if that comes off an existing line or new fiber. 
No new construction. Rural area. About 42-50 house on the route that the new line inhabits. But at a certain point they stop fiber to some houses and just have copper lines to the rest of the houses down the line. It’s just not fair that my grandma’s old house…that I can see from my front yard has uverse connectivity…while we suffer with copper phone lines, zero cell service, and no internet. I would PAY to tap into the line if I could…but AT&T claims the line doesn’t exist…and it’s been completed for 6 months.

ACE - Professor


5.9K Messages

2 years ago

What speeds are available to neighbors on the left and right? 5,18,25, etc. What speed can your grandma’s house get. Numbers, not “they have service”. 


You cannot tap into a fiber line. For residential service, the fiber runs to a splitter.  Then individual fiber lines run to homes. Often one side of a street can get fiber and the other side cannot. 


9 months ago

I watched AT&T put in fiber optic cable years ago. Last year a sewer pipe collapsed and when MSD dug up the sidewalk, the fiber optic cable was sitting right "in" it. In fact, before MSD could replace the pipe, AT&T had to come out and "brace" the cable so that MSD could do their work. Yet, both AT&T and IgLou are saying there's no fiber optic cable in my area. Haha. I've seen it with my own eyes, talked to the  AT&T guy who came out to "inspect" it first, and then the AT&T workers who came out to brace it up out of the way so that MSD could replace the broken pipe.

It would appear that AT&T doesn't know its left from its right hand and keeps terrible records. On the one hand it's infuriating that they don't seem to know what infrastructure they actually have, and then again, do I really want a company that doesn't know what infrastructure it actually has providing me with Internet? I could never trust them to keep proper records!

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