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Mightfighter's profile

17 Messages

Wednesday, September 27th, 2023 11:43 PM

Is this possible for them to even know or they just jerking my chain?

It's what this person saying even possible I've had people on the phone and tell me these things to I don't understand the business strategy behind it?  Besides irritated customers...

ACE - Expert


36K Messages

9 months ago

If I knew what "updared" was, I might have a more useful opinion of its likelihood.  ;-)

The actual answer is that no, support reps have absolutely no idea when or if an area will have fiber active in the future, even one day in the future.  Either it's available now, or it's not and they don't have any way of finding out when that might change. If you've not seen anyone running fiber in a neighborhood you've been living it for at least the past couple of years, there's no way you're going to have fiber within the week.

17 Messages

9 months ago

Years ago they did run fiber around I remember because the road was all messed up for a while lol.  But we're talking the decent time ago.

Former Employee


22.5K Messages

9 months ago

Years ago?

if between 2006 to 2015 Uverse residential fiber was being deployed for neighborhood VRADs using VDSL referred to as FTTN or Fiber To The Node which reached 33 million addresses within then footprint. This was fiber to a point using last distance phone wiring. Today FTTN speed tiers are 100/20, 75/20, 50/10, 25/5 and 25/2 depending on type of card (F, K, N), single or bonded pair and copper loop length.

FTTP (Premise) referred to as direct fiber has been deployed since 2016 and is scheduled to reach 30+ million addresses by end 2025. ATT Fiber has speed tiers of 300, 500, 1000, 2000 and 5000 depending how much your willing to pay and splitter type.

AREA refers more to zip code not street or neighborhood, my zip code has 15,000 addresses with about 6000 currently being fiber. Is more being added, yes … does not mean my street or address will receive it.

ATT stated goal of adding 3 million per year average with construction splicers working Monday to Friday is 260 days…. Yields more than 11,500 addresses being turned green for service each working day and more than 250,000 each month.

The statement once lines are upgraded you will get notified is true… ATT pushes hard to convert or upgrade existing accounts on older copper to fiber with direct mailings, phone calls, and door to door 3rd party sells force.

But you will likely know months ahead of time fiber is coming due to all the construction activity taking place in the neighborhood. 


17 Messages

9 months ago

I would say maybe 2020 ish summer....  I thought I remember something about that time... My woman said something about it I can't remember it tbh which is odd ..  Before the road was torn up and the grass between the road and the sidewalk on my side was dug up and fixed.. .  she said they came to our house I have no recollection of that tho.  Or I brushed it off thinking ATT only did DSL stuff... idk

17 Messages

9 months ago

Stop the horrible business strategy!

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