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6.7K Messages

Wednesday, August 10th, 2016 9:34 PM


When is Faster AT&T Speed Going to be Available? - Info from the AT&T Community


Learn why faster AT&T speeds may not be available

First thing first, AT&T is working on expanding internet service as fast as possible. Unfortunately, a lot of planning, equipment, manpower, and time factor in. When are faster speeds coming? We do not have a date. What we can do is explain why it may not be available, yet, what to look out for, and how to research your address. 

Gigabit Speeds, When Is It Coming?

We are continually expanding our fiber footprint to more households every day. If you’d like to check if service is available to you now or to sign up for a notification if it does become available in the future, please visit att.com/NotifyMe . We will send you a notification via your preferred method as soon as AT&T Fiber becomes available to you.

5 Gig internet is the next evolution of internet. At this time, we are working on expanding that footprint but AT&T does not have information on which neighborhoods will get it and when. Our support teams are also unable to give timelines as they can change. 

If AT&T Fiber is available, you can order now!

Note:  AT&T Internet is not available in all areas, but AT&T is working to change that! Below, you will find information explaining:

  • Why services may not be available?
  • Other AT&T internet options?
  • News about AT&T Fiber expansions?

Why AT&T Internet is not available  

  1. Distance – AT&T Internet is a distance-dependent service. If you are too far away from the equipment, certain services may not be available. This means your neighbor may have service but your home cannot.  
  2. Equipment is not available – To get service, AT&T Internet equipment has to be in the area. In some instances, it isn't. As above, this could mean a neighbor may have it but service was not expanded to your home. We do not have information if or when it will be. If you have 1 Gig Fiber and want to upgrade to 5 Gig, please be patient with us we work to expand that footprint. 
  3. The area is not built for AT&T Internet/ Fiber – some areas are not internet ready. The Community team does not have information if or when it will be since installation is factor dependent as mentioned at the top of the page. Distance and equipment can also play a factor in instances like this.
  4. Another competitor services the area - This happens from time to time but it does not mean all services are not available to you. Check out other internet options below!
  5. For some internet services, what is offered during the point of sale is an estimate. Most of the time, what is offered will be installed. To determine if service is available, our techs will perform tests beforehand and let you know of any issues. 

Note: AT&T has two ways to bring traditional internet to your home, via copper lines or fiber. To get Gigabit speeds, fiber is required. In order to get internet and/or higher speeds, you must be within a certain distance of the serving equipment and the equipment must be present in the area.  


I see they are spraying lines, is AT&T on the way?

Maybe. Marking locations is a best practice for most outside crews. They are used to mark an area where a gas line may be or even a water line. On the other side, it could mean AT&T is going to place cable. Until cable and everything that powers internet is placed, our internal systems will not be updated. You can fill out a form, shown below, for more information. 

Looking for Fiber for your Neighborhood or Building?

Are you the property owner or represent your neighborhood (HoA president) and want to get AT&T Fiber for your area. Learn more about how to bring fiber to your property


Other Internet & TV Options


Other Internet Information 

ChrisZ, AT&T Community Specialist 

*I am an AT&T employee, and the postings on this site are my own and don't necessarily represent AT&T's position, strategies or opinions.

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1 Attachment

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Community Support


6.7K Messages

8 years ago

We are continually expanding our fiber footprint to more households every day. If you’d like to check if service is available to you now or to sign up for a notification if it does become available in the future, please visit att.com/NotifyMe . We will send you a notification via your preferred method as soon as AT&T Fiber becomes available to you.

Own a large property or part of the HOA association in your neighborhood? Submit your request for AT&T service.



Former Employee


1.1K Messages

12 years ago

This is a simple process, just enter your address and you're done! 


Did a post have a solution that worked for you? Help other people find solutions faster by marking posts that helped you as an "Accepted Solution". Learn about accepted solutions here.

Keep in mind; I am an AT&T employee and the postings on this site are my own and don’t necessarily represent AT&T’s position, strategies or opinions.



1 Message

8 years ago

Thursday had my landline changed over to go through router with voice & Internet.  

Today I was getting alot of static on phone.  I called 1 877 737-2478.  Girl heard all the static and said she would check the phone and that we would be disconnected and then she would call us. Our phone now has NO LINE.  Cannot make calls or receive calls.   Line is dead.   Also the Router that was installed Aug 4th needed a battery for backup.  I got the battery, but the door that is on the bottom will NOT open to allow you to put the battery in.  I need the technician to come back, Marcus, and install the battery backup. 


  FIRST priority is to get me a LINE again on my phone.      **   I could not get on to ATT.COM/REPAIR and report problem.   DID NOT RECOGNIZE my email address ** nor my present Account Number on my Aug 2 bill.   Account No. **   Installation of new service was August 4th.


Please get my phone line up and running as soon as possible.   I then need someone out here to load the battery in the router.   


Thank you.




[Edited for privacy-This is a public forum. Please do not post personal or unique information such as but not limited to full names, employee ID numbers, email addresses, phone numbers, account numbers, etc.]



3 Messages

8 years ago



In our neighborhood - north Plano -75025,  fiber was installed about 6 months ago. When I check for the availability of  fiber at my address, the tool shows that it's not available. However, when I check for the fiber availability on the house that's behind us it shows that the fiber connectivity is available at 1Gbps What' s interesting is that the fiber goes through the alley that's between both the houses. How long would it be before I can get the fiber at my address? Currently,  I have Uverse at 18 Mbps.

Community Support


232.9K Messages

8 years ago

Hi @jc75025,


We can look into this. We will be sending you a private message. Click here to reply back and let us know via this thread one you have replied to the PM. On the right side of the page you will see an article Why are faster speeds not available under Internet Hot Topics, take a look at that. 





2 Messages

8 years ago

Can att extend their 24mbps dsl line into a brand new subdivision in a city that im building a house in? There's currently 12 houses and more are being built. All of the city including the street at the entrance of the subdivision gets 24mbps att dsl. We do not get cable due to the cable company that was being used went bankrupt. Who can I talk to?



3 Messages

8 years ago



thanks for looking into this. I have replied to your PM. Please let me know if I can provide any other information to have this resolved. 



2 Messages

8 years ago

Similar question as the person from Plano, TX asked: AT&T Fiber was dug in our neighborhood at the end of September, and we were given a flyer at that time that said "AT&T Gigapower" would be available soon.  Well, the digging was completed nearly three months ago, and we haven't heard a peep since.  Each time I check to see if it's available yet, I obviously get told that other services available, but not Uverse or Fiber.  I have also chatted and called, and no one knows anything.  What in the world is going on, and why is it so difficult for AT&T to put out a timeline of some sort to indicate when service will become available?  The more this goes on, the more satisfied I become with Comcast.



5 Messages

8 years ago

I am looking at getting ATT as my TV provider.
When I do pricing, it says only uVerse internet up to 45M is available, and NO uVerse TV, but I can get DIRECTTV.

I couple of month ago I helped a friend 1 block over get ity and they were offerred uVerseTV and up to 72M.


I am located diagonaly (125 ft) from an ATT CEV(..Equipment Vault) which like an underground vault!

i am located on a street where they tore it up, to lay a 'honeycomb' tunnel to lay fiber.


Now a little history,

I hav been an ATT customer for years and was an ATT DSL Internet customer from PRODIGY to AMERITECH to SBCGLOBAL to ATT) . I finally gave up and went to cable for internet a couple years ago for SPEED.


When DSL was first provisioned., all that I was originnaly offerred was `1,5M, over 15 years ago. Worked with the provisionling company via David (in DSL DIRECT forum) and he got me bumped from 1.5 to 3. Supposedly the automatic system did not have me mapped correctly.

Same thing happenned again when 6M was deployed and online would not let me upgrade. Again David got me upgraded.
Somewhere along the line my line may have been rerouted to fix problems.

I could post more detailed info, but dont want to do so in a public forum.

I am in Dayton OH, and my phone begins with 937-274-xxxx

Can I try to see why uVerseTV is not offered, and someone one block over has it!



1 Message

8 years ago

I was told by an AT&T that my home is too far from the line loop.  How do I go about getting AT&T to install the additional cabling so the service could reach my area of the subdivision?  This has been a very big disappointment and I am under a 2 year contract.

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