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ColonyPark1's profile

2 Messages

Monday, April 8th, 2024 5:03 PM

How do I find someone at AT&T who can effectively resolve an issue they caused?


I am coming to this forum in order to ask for help in navigating the absolutely awful service our condo has received from ATT.

We have had 3 phone lines with ATT for many years.  One was for our FIre Notification system, one is for the emergency phone in our elevator and the last is for our callbox at the front door.  After experiencing several disruptions to the service to those lines over the past year, we decided to move the Fire Notification system phone to cellular through our Fire Notification system monitoring company.  Once that was accomplished our next task was to cancel that original line that fed the Fire Notification system.

In doing that, and upon finding out that our other lines were rolling out of a special offer and were going to increase to $700 for 2 phone lines.....really AT&T!!!!, our property manager spent 5 hours on the phone trying to find out if there was a way to reduce the cost of those lines and turn off the old line.  They said that if we combined our Internet account with those two lines that the total cost of our AT&T bill for phone and internet would be $130.  They had to send a tech onsite to identify the exact line that needed to be cancelled, and that started the nightmare.  The tech came out and identified the line and also said that our modem was malfunctioning.  He replaced that and identified the line and left.  Both of the remaining lines were working when he left and later that afternoon, the emergency line for the elevator and most of the callbox functionality stopped working.  

AT&T sent out a tech for about 4 hours on Friday to try and correct the issue and another tech on Saturday for 4 hours because the tech on Friday couldn't figure it out.  The tech on Saturday left after telling us that AT&T could not figure it out, that he has discussed with his boss, and that we would need to hire an IT specialist to come out and diagnose the problem and fix so we can get the lines working again.  He just left us in the lurch with a problem that was caused exclusively by AT&T.  

There is no use in calling on the phone to Customer Service as their scheme seems to be to frustrate the customer to such an extent that they just give up.  My guess is that once the phone line was cancelled, AT&T set up the combined 2 phone line and Internet account incorrectly and that is causing the problem.

I need someone at AT&T who is a problem solver, who can work across the mystery that is AT&T and us help us get our elevator phone line and callbox back up and working.  No one besides AT&T has made any changes to these lines and account.

How in the world do I navigate to someone who can effectively help us??? 



19.7K Messages

3 months ago

File an FCC complaint, those go to the office of the president and are assigned to a senior staff member. 

Former Employee


22.5K Messages

3 months ago

Recap... had 3 Business POTS lines, removed one once identified then converted from POTS to VOIP for combined billing, bundle discount. 

I expect the installation was performed by Uverse tech and both repair techs were also Uverse techs, not core DSL/POTS techs.

While not familiar with elevator or call box (Door King or similar?) My thought is the gateway voltage or ATA is not compatible with existing service... possibly the tech failed to disconnect POTS feed... but would recommend contacting the elevator and call box companies to determine what requirements are needed to properly function. 

In other words, if connect two standard phones to the back of the gateway phone ports and the standard calling in/out functions properly the issue is inside the building. 

Last resort is return POTS service with higher costs.

2 Messages

3 months ago

Thank you!  All 3 techs have been ATT not Uverse techs.  I guess they could have been Uverse but didn't have that designation on truck or uniform.  

Former Employee


22.5K Messages

3 months ago

If they wore ATT branded clothing (uniform) they were Uverse techs. Core techs, at least in our area wear street clothing, jeans/boots and maybe a branded coat but not shirt.

Depending on vehicle may or may not be Uverse graphics but the core techs I know drive bucket trucks or unique vans while Uverse techs are transits or standard vans. Many of the vehicles are 2014 or newer but only some have just ATT most still have Uverse on the side panels.

The term Uverse tech refers to original hiring position (2006-2015) which were appendix (not core employees) with different pay scale and benefits. They were hired to install internet/phone/tv services. ATT changed the name of Uverse Internet to ATT Internet, Uverse GigaPower to ATT Fiber and Uverse Voip to ATT Phone in December 2016. Only the TV service kept the Uverse named but the crews and managers continued as separate group from the core or outside line techs. 

Most Uverse tech have 12 years or less with the company some less than 3 years, since Covid. While many core techs are around 25 years since SBC bought out their region. Hard to find baby bell techs (1982-1999) anymore as they would have 35 to 40+ years in the company and offered severance packages over the years.

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