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4 Messages

Tuesday, February 13th, 2024 4:36 PM

Locked out for 24 hours but I need my phone unlocked


I reluctantly am leaving AT&T wireless because of the price and I have ported my lines over and thought I had my phone unlocked. But it isn't and I have paid all bills.  The message when I go through the steps (again) to unlock is that too many attempts have been made and cannot access for 24 hours.  But, I want to get access--I have paid off my phone and they have 'closed' my account...but my phone is still 'stuck' with them. I went to a local AT&T store and a very nice man tried to help, but, couldn't override the security lock out.  

Is there any way I can find someone locally or otherwise who can override the lock out? 

I hope this is clear...and thank you, anyone, very much.


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