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Christine777's profile

2 Messages

Thursday, December 21st, 2023 4:11 PM

Have a ticket open to remove lines from pole, need update as to when they will come out to remove the lines?

We have a new pole established. The old pole needs to be removed. However, there are AT&T lines currently run into the old pole. I have a ticket open requesting lines to be removed. Have not had any update pertaining to the removal as of yet. Need removal ASAP

2 Messages

7 months ago

111 2 nd Ave West Horseshoe Beach, Fl 32648 this is the physical address requested for the removal of lines from old pole to pole

Former Employee


22.5K Messages

7 months ago

Unknown, did the power company who installed the new pole make the request?

There are many locations in our area where the top of the old pole is simply cut off and the pole remains with communication lines on them. Poles been that way for 10+ years. 

an online pic/discussion


Community Support


232.9K Messages

7 months ago

Hi @Christine777, thank you for bringing this to our notice. Let's take a deeper look into this situation to help you further.


Please call our customer service department at 800.288.2020 and create the ticket for removing line from pole. Once you create a ticket, please call our buried wire center at 800.924.9420, and they are available from Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 5:45 p.m. EST.


Note: Without creating ticket, buried wire department won't be able to help you.


Hope this helps!


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AT&T Community Forum Specialist.

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