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davelake's profile

New Member


2 Messages

Friday, July 7th, 2023 1:32 PM

Need lines transferred from old utility pole

Hi, I have an old utility pole on my property that has AT&T lines attached. A new pole was installed more than 10 years ago, but no one ever came to switch the AT&T lines to the new pole. Can you please send a technician to transfer the lines to the new pole and remove the old pole?

Dave S.

Chelsea, MI 48118

(Edited to remove personal information)



19.7K Messages

1 year ago

Not the way to contact AT&T and the spammers will love your personal information, I'd remove it if I were you. 

New Member


2 Messages

1 year ago

Wow, you're right, that was dumb. Thanks for looking out.

Former Employee


22.5K Messages

1 year ago

Has the top of the pole been removed above ATT lines?

There are several poles in the Milwaukee market 6 counties where power company a new pole and ATT along with local cable cable is still on original poles. 

Which leads to the question did power notify ATT (required before any work done) 

AND why did the power company replace the pole. 

Moving the lines would be under construction with budget / planning not ATT standard premise techs or line techs that maintain the existing line infrastructure.

ACE - Expert


16.5K Messages

1 year ago

You need a local person or you're going to get lost in the shuffle for another 10 years. Preferably on the front lines.

Take a picture of the dual poles and write down any identifying information.  Then the next time I saw AT&T trucks doing work I'd stop and politely see if they can get me some contact info (for the local boss).  If not give them a copy of the photo with the info and your info on it (keep a few of these in your glovebox). 

Repeat for the next few trucks.

My 2 cents.

2 months ago

Did you have any luck?  I am currently in the same situation and this is horrible.  I cannot get any customer service at all and this is keeping us from building a workshop/cabin at our farm. No one has any answers when I call and always just pushes it onto someone else. I have taken pictures and they say the engineers have been out and verified it is their equipment. I have asked for a supervisor to contact me only being told they will within 48 hrs and it does not happen. Thank goodness I don't actually have their land line service because I cannot imagine how poor that would be.

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