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2 Messages

Thursday, April 18th, 2024 9:03 PM

RoboCall Blocker Has Callers in an Endless Loop

recently I had someone email me to say that when they called my ATT phone (CLP99387), they followed the robocall blocker's instructions for their call to be put through. They said their name and pressed the # key. He said the system just kept asking him to do this over and over again, but it never put their call through and the phone never rang at our end. For the time being, I just got his number and put it on the whitelist so he could bypass the robocall system. I decided to test this myself, so I took my cell phone off the whitelist and called the ATT phone. Sure enough, after I followed the instructions it asked me to do it again. The second time I tried it, it took my input and the call rang through, so it looks like this is an intermittent problem. Is there a firmware update I should make, or is this a sign the phone system itself is failing and needs to be replaced (planned obsolescence?)? I'd hate to have to replace the base unit and all 9 handsets since I only bought them Christmas 2017.



19.7K Messages

3 months ago

Try it from something other than a cell phone. I'm betting the cell phone tones aren't being recognized by your cordless system. If a phone other than a cell phone works than I'd report it to the cell phone carrier. You could also try the option where they just push # without recording their name.


2 Messages

2 months ago

We've tested this from a cell and sometimes it works and sometimes it does not (from the same cell phone). We'll test from a landline if we can find one (seems like all our friends have gotten rid of theirs), but the fact that it SOMETIMES works from a cell phone tells me the cell phone tones are being recognized (at least sometimes). Also, the issue is that most callers are using cell phones, and the system isn't working properly for them (after working perfectly until recently, since 2017).



19.7K Messages

2 months ago

There's always the possibility the units gone bad. What phone service do you have? Traditional landline, or digital from cable or phone carrier?


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